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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I think asking people to walk out during play would be like asking the average bloke to pull out during sex What percentage of our support is Catholic? I see your point, just chucking ideas out there. The frustration of knowing there's fuck all we can do is as bad as the actual sacking.
  2. Other than a total boycott, nowt will shift Ashley. We know from last time a total boycott is a non starter. Since it appears Pardew is a done deal, any protest now is purely a case of registering our disapproval, and therefore needs impact. A walkout, not at half time, but during play on a televised match, seems to me to be our best option. At a prearranged signal, simply get up and walk. Even if only a third of the ground did it, it would be picked up on and noticed. He'd also feel it in his pocket, as half time sales would be down. A flyer handed out the previous game would be enough to get word around. Thoughts?
  3. NUST are missing a trick here tbh. Act , and they have great chance of regaining some credibility and increasing membership. Do nowt, and sink. Not rocket science is it?
  4. This. I'm more stunned now than I was when it happened.
  5. Clutching at straws there KD, unfortunately. It's fucking Pardew. Nailed on. The fat cunt has done us again.
  6. Knows when to nip the sphincter, I'll give her that.
  7. interesting to hear Sir John Hall talking on TV about the appointments "we" made who spout off on television these days. Wonder who he is talking about ? How many hundreds of times does this need to be said. SHEPHERD WAS NEVER THE MAJORITY SHAREHOLDER AND COULD NOT HAVE MADE ANY APPOINTMENTS WITHOUT AGREEMENT AND CONSULATION WITH THE MAJORITY SHAREHOLDERS. This has been confirmed by Dogless who issued a press statement at the time saying that "we" thought Bobby Robson has lost the plot etc etc [word to that effect]. People will never make good judgements while they let personal feelings, or listen to total crap spouted in CIU clubs etc no nowts to influence their judgements. Dear fuckin Christ. ...... no wonder people laugh at us. Aye, anyone who listens to blokes in pubs wants their heads examined.
  8. She's not that good mate. Welly top.
  9. I'm fucking sick to death of this already. Whoever the fuck it is, get them in quick and get it over with. 5 year contract? Are they fucking mad?
  10. Is he coming back or not then?
  11. Met him several times and he always seemed to be an utterly normal, decent bloke. I did have to look at him via a mirror in case I turned to stone, but I find the vitriol aimed at him now more than a little distasteful. As has been said, what else could he have said when asked? Hughton did the same, twice. He was also seen as Ashleys puppet initially, remember?
  12. Sitting in the pub and this finally clicked. (Split my Taboo)
  13. I have to say CT, you come out with some utter bilge at times. The sad thing about this talk of a mass walkout/ boycott , whatever it may be, is that we now have a supporters organisation who should be the focal point for our protests. The silence from them is fucking deafening.
  14. Oh! You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not shout, I'm telling you why: This fucking cellar is soundproof!
  15. Don't be too downbeat, Dr. At least Shola'll have a fresh start ! Kick a man when he's down!
  16. You fucker Alex! That was a private photoset, for your own use only.
  17. I reckon Leazes is a Sociology lecturer, cruising on here.
  18. I thought people stopped using that word in the 1920`s with the exception of posh cunts who refere to their parents as mummy and daddy when they are in their 40`s Stevie man! Stop changing your name, we in the Thick as Mince club have a hard enough time keeping tabs on who our manger is.
  19. I am a desperate attention seeker, revelling in the influx of newcomers that Hughton's sacking has brought to this board. Please, please post in here (doesn't matter what, it's replys and post counts that validate my existence). I also love burgers. Love me. Please
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