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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Proper horny Wench. It’s the blue eye shadow that does it
  2. Madame Gazelle is a proper French minx.
  3. ASM thought that about Newcastle, just sayin’ Sheila.
  4. Unclear - are you checking the kids in there or yourself? Either way, win.
  5. And that’s all I have to say about that, Bubba
  6. Last I heard the meth heads had taken over the creche.
  7. Aah, but you have found a Blue Badge holding chauffeur to drive you here yet?
  8. Not only are Bibby a pack of cunts, the other two main beneficiaries of this are the port owners, Langham Industries, who were major donators to UKIP, and Aussie company Corporate Travel Management, who will run the thing, when they’re not setting up empty offices around the world to give the impression they’re more of a global company they really are. https://corporatewatch.org/floating-prisons-the-200-year-old-family-business-behind-the-bibby-stockholm/ There’s a strong whiff of brown paper bags and general Toryishness about this.
  9. Whilst looking for Tory party connections to the owners of the Bibby Stockholm, I found this open letter, not only exposing the prison-like conditions the poor buggers living on it will be subject to, but also a totally unsurprising mention of the company’s foundation being in the slave trade, after slavery was abolished in the uk. https://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/latest/news/an-open-letter-to-bibby-marine/ Didn’t bother with the Tory link search after that, as it’s clear as fucking crystal.
  10. Sitting in the back garden, fed and wined, catching the last rays of Sun. This is top class stuff, cheers.
  11. Thought you’d pissed yourself at first glance. Take heart though, even if the Mushroom pops out , no one will notice. Your legs are so white they’re “Scottish Blue”
  12. Aye- why the fuck would he take a downward step now?
  13. What odds on him popping his ACL or something
  14. Fair do, I’ve not been to El Coto for ages but always had a great time there. Ask for the Tetas Monumentos, you’ll love it.
  15. It’s 7* in a row I think. * consecutive seasons outside the Preymier Leaygue.
  16. Sold. I’ll whack it on when I get home.
  17. @Howmanheyman The Mean Eyed Cat at the bottom of St. Thomas St. is a great little independent bar - 3 minutes from Bar Loco if you go round the back of the Percy. It’s got a south facing seating area out the back too, because it’s a lovely evening. Where you going for your bait?
  18. That’s mainly because people needed a hook, and then, explanation of who these clubs were. Everyone knows who we are, and what our crack is. “ Operation Mega Fewm initiated”
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