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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. For Parky For MancMag Joint pressie for Wacky & Soccermom For Leazes And for Kevin
  2. All seven sites now inundated with car headlights and fuckers stumbling about with LED headtorches. Good work National Trust
  3. Vincent van Gogh is having a pint. Gaugin comes in and says, " Alright Vinny, fancy a beer" Van Gogh-" No thanks, I've got one 'ere"
  4. BBC News: 'Many Gangs Are Using Pitbulls Rather Than Knives'. Eurgh, how hairy must their toast be?
  5. Not saying this is any way related Kevin. The whole family are wrong uns. Terrible waste of life, 24 man, bloody hell. RIP
  6. Fuck's sake.. I dont get it I'm not surprised I he's fibbing. Or is it tibbing
  7. Damn, I knew this would blow my cover.
  8. Capbreton - South of France. He's already walking. For the benefit of Kevin, that's the part of Germany next to Spain. Good news if true Parky.
  9. Monkeys Fist


    Money isn't really the issue here. If we got £20 million or £40 million, we'd see fuck all of it. The issue is the fat fucker in charge will sell when it suits him, not do what's best for NUFC.
  10. Happy Birthday Old Chap
  11. Still he'll always be able to tell the players what time it is.
  12. Videos just all multi coloured for me and wont play......What happened next? The elephant jumps 30ft to the left at the last minute. Massive leap
  13. Bad taste thread mate. Oh, go on then.… You know you're too much of a paedophile when your first response when seeing a baby scan is: " I would "
  14. Billy now praying like fuck for Jol!
  15. Wouldn't need to- they'd tear each other to bits trying to get at the kids.
  16. Btw Billy Maradona! :icon_lol: Sorry mate, but that would be a hoot.
  17. He's adding slowly to a Hurst type mansion complex set in the hills far away from the madenning crowds. He'll be able to widen the doors to get his MASSIVE FUCKING HEAD in now. How nice for him.
  18. What do you call a man with no arms, legs or body? Ed
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