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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. A perfect day from my past was when I was working in Wales. Spent the day teaching the nicest kids in the world how to climb on Idwal Slabs in glorious sunshine, with excellent colleagues ( one of which was my then squeeze). Got back to the bunkhouse, and the teachers leading the group announced they were taking the kids out, so we had the night off. My gaffer chucked a bag full of climbing gear at me and took me and Jo, said lass, off to Dinas Cromlech. This is a crag made famous by my climbing hero, Don Whillans. His best route , Cenotaph Corner, is on this crag and the gaffer led us up the valley side to the bottom of it. It's graded Extreme (E1), and having never done an Extreme , I expected the boss to lead the route, with me following. He gave me the rope and said " Of you go, time to see what you're made of" I was shitting it, but also buzzing as this was a route I'd always dreamed of doing. The conditions were perfect- dry, warm rock, an empty route, no wind. I did the route, here's a pic of it , which was mind blowing. It had a tricky start, eased up slightly in middle, but the last 20ft were the most difficult, with a slight overhang to get past It was better than I'd imagined, I was climbing better than I'd ever done before, everything just flowed. Got back down, the boss dropped me and Jo at the Pen Y Gwryd Inn, and then later Jo proved she was filthier than the Tyne in 1970. That day pushed my confidence through the roof ( I was 19 at the time) and ultimately led to my working abroad and where I am today.
  2. Comes in sizes XS to FUCKWIT.
  3. Mmmmm..... Yer Damned right. Outstanding tits. So you crashing on her sofa for New Year's eve then? I wasn't going to say out, her being a pal of yours and that, but since you have FUCKING BANGALANGADINGDONG!!
  4. didn't monkeyfist's avatar have bare tits bouncing all over it for months? Not just any tits man, they were Salmas tits.
  5. People always pick on the smart lad in class, the visionary, the ones who are head of their time, the ones who always get the girls, the modest ones. Shame you didnt get to see it , this is what it looked like Just looks like you've photographed the effects of a window-directed fart after a dogging session CT. What beautiful mind pictures you paint Fish Everything I do, is driven by you! Brian thanks you
  6. Was he running around, pointing at the waiters, then falling over dramatically?
  7. Good points Barton7, but the Alex in me must point out we had 3 Gerodies ( Mick's spelling) in that game. Carroll Saylor Sherla.
  8. People always pick on the smart lad in class, the visionary, the ones who are head of their time, the ones who always get the girls, the modest ones. Shame you didnt get to see it , this is what it looked like Just looks like you've photographed the effects of a window-directed fart after a dogging session CT. What beautiful mind pictures you paint Fish
  9. Porud to be a Gerodie. Did you just get your Giro Toughguy, buy some time at tinterweb café?
  10. Do the Rolling Stones beat a Prime Minister? Keith Richard and Bill Wyman had tea at my Grandads in Longbenton in 1964(ish). Wyman was trying to get amongst my Aunty apparently. I almost tripped over Carole Decker out of T'Pau in a motorway services. She's tiny. Had beers with Brian Johnson (AC/DC) - top bloke.
  11. Ray Mears would have him. Recon Bruce Parry could take them both Only if Ray didn't eat the fucker first. I'm sure when the director calls 'cut' Ray is handed a KFC bargan bucket - nee way he can have those jowles from seeds and berries Eats his own jizz- full of protien
  12. Ray Mears would have him. Recon Bruce Parry could take them both Only if Ray didn't eat the fucker first.
  13. Happy Birthday Toonraider Xxx
  14. A man is driving happily along when he is pulled over by the police. The copper approaches him and politely asks, "Have you been drinking, sir?" "Why?" snorts the man. "Is there a fat bird in my car?"
  15. What's the difference between erotic and kinky? Erotic = using a feather Kinky = using the whole chicken
  16. tbh I hope Fish appreciates the seconds of graft that went into that.
  17. The richer he gets the better for us. It has absolutely no relevance for the well-being of the club tbh. I'd rather see him going bancrupt and to be forced to sell the club. Ofcourse it will. When he bought us he had something like 1.5 billion wealth. Think that then dropped circa 2008 down to about 700 million. Its basic instinct that most of us feel better about spending more when we feel richer / better off, expecially with the world economy gradually picking up (at SD anyway) He said, glancing in the rear view mirror at his increasingly bewildered fare.
  18. tbh Get in you beauty. It's been bugging the shite of me who he looked like in that shot. Dr. Socrates !
  19. Shit player but lovely plumage
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