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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Damn, Scumderland played and won! Fucking cunts! They're a bunch of divers; Scumderland divers! That Ferdinand didn't even get touched, but he went down like he'd been shot. *coughs* Knigs sized bed *coughs* *coughs* I was drunk *coughs* oh and *cough* I will rape you with a cheese grater while you struggle against your barbed wire bonds in a vinegar shower *cough* You can rape me with a cheese grater, but you'll still be on an airbed Christmas Eve. Genuinely been looking at hotel prices... Ouch! Your welcome to my sofa mate,so long as you wash the cheese grater afterwards.
  2. Shola Amoeba David Batty Glen Roedeer
  3. 2) Phillipe Al Bear. Do I win a pen? Only joshing, I love this kind of stuff. No idea about the ripper answer- total guess… Joe Harvey.
  4. Damn, Scumderland played and won! Fucking cunts! They're a bunch of divers; Scumderland divers! That Ferdinand didn't even get touched, but he went down like he'd been shot. *coughs* Knigs sized bed *coughs* *coughs* I was drunk *coughs* oh and *cough* I will rape you with a cheese grater while you struggle against your barbed wire bonds in a vinegar shower *cough* You can rape me with a cheese grater, but you'll still be on an airbed Christmas Eve.
  5. Damn, Scumderland played and won! Fucking cunts! They're a bunch of divers; Scumderland divers! That Ferdinand didn't even get touched, but he went down like he'd been shot. *coughs* Knigs sized bed *coughs*
  6. Apparently Harvey Price won't reveal his favourite bit of Blue Peter. Picky black spastic.
  7. Ronettes-Sleigh Ride I can't see your first two Trophyshy, so apologies if this is one of them.
  8. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=806312 Welched the bet.
  9. "I Am So Happy To Finally Be Back Home" indeed. 1:25 Leazes points at the Muslim hordes over running Perfidious Albion. Aiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. That makes me laugh like a bastard every time. Is it me or is he also the Kurgan in Highlander?
  11. My work here is done. I'm off to my nice, comfy bed. Nite
  12. Was that whilst you were banging his sister in the ear?
  13. "Eayah, ewah Niall, what's the weather dae-ing?" "Just a bit reindeer"
  14. Not as tired as you'll be after a few nights on the airbed. Ooof!
  15. ...yeah dude! sounds f$#%'in mint. gotta love it when you stop thinking and just react, pure movement. nice! Aye, the climbing was canny too!
  16. *proles* Standards are slipping in the Elite.
  17. Fish clearly angling for an invite over Christmas btw:wink: Sure Leazes said he takes in waifs and strays.
  18. You'll burst the fucker. Nailed on. Either that or he'll bounce and it'll be a new ceiling. One strong fart and his teeth'll be rattling like an Eskimo on whizz.
  19. Mmmmm..... Yer Damned right. Outstanding tits. So you crashing on her sofa for New Year's eve then? I wasn't going to say out, her being a pal of yours and that, but since you have FUCKING BANGALANGADINGDONG!! I honestly hadn't even thought about that. Until now. she's got family round. It was a longshot like Do it!! Then PM me the pics.
  20. Bit of a Zappa fan here, heard some of his stuff, but by no means all. True renegade, artist, mentalist. RIP
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