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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Looks sound that shop JawD.
  2. Missed the poin tbh or chose too. Jumped straight in without giving it any finer thought tbh.
  3. The Tit Maiden's Chocolate Guiness Cake and Chocolate Cheesecake are getting done for Christmas. Fantastic
  4. Re. Roasting veg CT. I'm guessing you like potato wedges etc? Make your own, they are really easy. Cut your spuds into wedges Put them in a bowl Add your herbs/spices Add some oil, enough to coat them , just Then bung em in the oven. Rosemary,thyme and sage all roast well. Garlic is beautiful roasted too- leave the cloves whole, and don't peel it. The flesh pops straight out when it's done and is beautifully mild and mellow.
  5. *Chinese accent* "They Rubbery!"
  6. Salty and Sweet Yum. New Years Eve will be seeing these
  7. Oddly enough Meenz, tonights tea was bangers and mash made with these beauties They are a lot better than they sound. Nice with a bit exotic roast veg too I'd imagine.
  8. Do you think Radio 2 will ask them not to swear
  9. Chardonay carrots? Honey roast vegetables? CT's next revelation- meat, it's edible.
  10. Translated- CT has had a hard-on for Lua Lua for ages. Now that Ashleys puppet has a remote chance of bringing him back, his knob end is glistening at the thought. Meanwhile, the Argentine international can fuck off. And don't presume that because I post on here in a generally flippant manner that I can't see the ramifications of pursuing lower league players. Having given it some "finer" thought, I have concluded that Perch, Routledge etc aren't up to it.
  11. Where are you from ASM? Had always assumed you were lurcal...? There's going to be hell on now it's known that you're OOT. Have you tried here ASM?
  12. Honestly CT, you finding Pardew's confessing he'll have to trawl the lower leagues as a good thing amazes me. It's Holocaust Memorial next month, I can just picture it; " The holocaust wasn't all bad. It kept the tattoo artists in jobs, and all the survivors looked soo much better for having shed a pound or two. "
  13. Many excellent musicians have more than a hint of twat in their personality. So what, I don't listen to their personality. Morrisey and Marr made some era defining music. End of.
  14. Aye. I reckon he's collapsed unconscious after some bad smack, to find when he's woken up one of dipper brethren has robbed his leg bones.
  15. Till me bird gets from her mums. Her family is from Brighton. Need someone to cook me dinner. I find it hard to walk never mind cook. Can she still work then? your mum, now youve got the "spare" room
  16. LOL quite funny for a imbocile Only an imbecile could spell it wrong.
  17. Hard as fuck snow like. One punch and you're down. Minutes silence for Tanned Dave's Christmas.
  18. High Point- raking the mackems 5-1. Low Point- Hughton dismissal Best game- Humping Villa 6-0. Only because I've already picked the derby above. Best Goal- Carrolls against the Dippers. Laughed like a bastard when it went in. Worst Refereeing- Failing to do anything about the Ben Arfa leg break. Most Improved Player- Carroll. Has swept aside any lingering doubts over his ability to perform in the PL. Most disappointing player. Tough one. Knew our shit players were shit, so haven't been disappointed. Probably Guthrie, bit of talent, hasn't really showed it.
  19. The answer was obvious. St Petersberg. They really should be the biggest club in the world. One team for like 8m people or whatever. Here's my question. Who was the first black player to play for the toon? Cunningham? First South American to play for Toon?
  20. Grown So Ugly Love the Black Keys version, had no idea Beefheart did it first.
  21. I wouldn't. It's the only bit of hair on my head I can rely on not receding.
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