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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’m sure the Kunts will have a beautifully measured response to…that.
  2. Is that Old Minge Pits herself, Nena, introducing Ballsachs in the bottom one?
  3. So, this baby seal walks in to a club…
  4. Not a problem for me see below. -Aged 15 at my Dad’s second wedding on the left. -Aged 30 at mine on the right. Yes, that’s a fucking bow tie on the left-I had no say in the matter.
  5. So you’ve just got minging taste in shirts, then?
  6. Are you not a fellow domehead like? Mind, if you’ve got a Weller cut, that explains the shirt …
  7. I went for an interview at a Blacksmiths the other day. He said “ Have you ever shoed a horse?” I said, “ No, but I’ve punched a duck.” Didn’t get the job. I did get a puppy from him though. The second I got it home it made a bolt for the door.
  8. Ten Highland Cattle in a field. Which one is from the Middle East? edit; Oops. It’s Coo Eight.
  9. I still see lads, in their 50s, sporting Weller cuts with the daft bit in front of the ears. Get a fucking grip Grandads, it looked shit back then and it’s even worse now.
  10. Nah, one was in the Mock Turtles, one was a failed Top Gear knob, and the other is Jimmy Savile. I asked Keegan* and he said “ Tell Paddocklad he’s wrong again. “ * I’m sure it was Keegan
  11. That’s the badger. Never noticed her head mind Alex. Giddup!
  12. Who was the Aussie actress that was in Neighbours ( I think) and Emmerdale? Blonde, massive jammers.
  13. Mother did the killing, Father did the disposing.
  14. This is almost as confusing as working out which McGann did which role.
  15. We’re bilingual in my gaff- only the one word, but use the Welsh for microwave. “ Popty Ping!”
  16. Programme it to translate everything in to Welsh, and only Welsh.
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