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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Can you not bung a train on top of them? Just send my commission to Monkey World
  2. Do you do chicken and fish? Work outdoors, my schedule is fucked beyond recognition.
  3. Ah, didn't see that Does Tiff Needell still do Fifth Gear, as he was doing the Stig role yesterday.
  4. Thought the Stig slating was unnecessary tbh.
  5. Didn't Fergie say its because of better pitches?....the best sides are able to play at their best on the almost uniformly great surfaces in the premier league. But I think you're more accurate Which British footballer scored a goal at his home ground for the away team and it wasn't an own goal? That's not it. It's the money in football. There was much more of an even level playing field even 25 years ago. Imagine the European Player of the Year signing for Southampton now, cos thats what Keegan did. The likes of Ipswich, Everton, Forest could compete, never again sadly. Anyway which toon player shagged Keegan's wife? Keegan
  6. "Maslows Hierarchy of needs" …and this thread flys off in a whole new direction. (had to ask Leazes what it was tbh)
  7. Brilliant on so many levels. The masks, the Principal, but best of all, the audience
  8. Not seen it listed http://hmv.com/hmvweb/displayProductDetail...9c1ed51dbf5cd19 Cheers man Isohunt
  9. Watched that. Just thought, "knob". The actor did some serious 'method' btw. Was skeletal at the end!
  10. Btw, I'm never one of those who subsribes to the view lasses are 'asking for it' but they leave themselves so vulnerable to attacks at times, it's scary. Similar applies to lads and the states they get into on the booze I suppose. Especially teenagers. As a father of three girls and a taxi driver it never ceases to amaze / scare me the state young girls get into. I regularly take out and pick up girls as young as 15 who are away with the fairies, legs akimbo, breasts out, the works. Luckily the taxi trade is pretty well regulated up here but down south with the private hire drivers ...... fucking hell. Then there are the same girls in the same states that some 30 / 40 year old pro has picked up to take home. I once had this girl whimpering in a drunken phase to "help get her home" while her newly met "one night stand" was at the cash point. Usually its the safest bet not to get involved but on this occasion I did and when we got to his I told him she was going home. Not a pleasant scene for a few minutes, but it was the right decision and she always thanks me whenever I pick her up. Been in the exact same situation a couple of times. I just drove off, leaving blokey at the cash point. Radioed in to the office telling them the score and drop the lass off. I'd recommend this way. Steady on, depends who's paying Cah first. Did I say I didn't rape the shit out of her? Rifle the handbag before discarding obv.
  11. I love debating the merits of holed mints. Some cracking films - The Others , love a ghost story at Christmas.
  12. Btw, I'm never one of those who subsribes to the view lasses are 'asking for it' but they leave themselves so vulnerable to attacks at times, it's scary. Similar applies to lads and the states they get into on the booze I suppose. Especially teenagers. As a father of three girls and a taxi driver it never ceases to amaze / scare me the state young girls get into. I regularly take out and pick up girls as young as 15 who are away with the fairies, legs akimbo, breasts out, the works. Luckily the taxi trade is pretty well regulated up here but down south with the private hire drivers ...... fucking hell. Then there are the same girls in the same states that some 30 / 40 year old pro has picked up to take home. I once had this girl whimpering in a drunken phase to "help get her home" while her newly met "one night stand" was at the cash point. Usually its the safest bet not to get involved but on this occasion I did and when we got to his I told him she was going home. Not a pleasant scene for a few minutes, but it was the right decision and she always thanks me whenever I pick her up. Been in the exact same situation a couple of times. I just drove off, leaving blokey at the cash point. Radioed in to the office telling them the score and drop the lass off. I'd recommend this way.
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