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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Stevie by a country mile. Surpised Accadacca isn't in mind
  2. Does he post enough tho? To busy "appreciating" the minge.
  3. Just seen the poll- Gemmill it is then, wickedly funny
  4. Besty, for the wrist breaker that is The Belta Minge Thread.
  5. Good question Parky! I wouldn't be keen on handing it to anywhere in Africa, simply because it wouldn't get to where it was needed. I'd probably give it somewhere recovering from disaster like Thailand.
  6. In 1923 jockey Frank Hayes died of a heart attack during a race. His body stayed on his horse, Sweet Kiss, which won the race, making Frank the only jockey to win a race dead.
  7. And "stewardesses" is the longest word you can type with only your left hand (if you're doing it proper and that). Stewardesses and one-handed typing? Who'd a thunk it?
  8. Close with Zygote Fish. It's a Jism cell. Scientific name- Spernk.
  9. How you eavesdropped on one of Leazes' conversations? Serious answer it's a palindrome Yes to both. The largest human cell is the female ovum. Any guesses what the smallest is?
  10. Speaking of Donkeys, standing normally, a donkey can see all four of it's feet. What's unusual about the following phrase; "Nurse, I spy Gypsies! Run!"
  11. There are over 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
  12. You might like this Stevie, it's a gallery of the Victoria Tunnel that runs under the city. Clicky
  13. Lazarus being the exception to the rule.
  14. http://www.newcastle.gov.uk/core.nsf/a/msl_bridges You'll have to get your waders on Stevie.
  15. Excellent soundtrack ! Canny goals too
  16. Aye I've got a book about it. They played Wales in a Qualifier for the World Cup in 1978. Wales were supposed to be the home team but the jocks outnumbered them 10 to 1, they broke down the gates of The Kop and it was the fullest it's ever been. After the game there were 2,000 empty whisky bottles littered round the terraces, and Scotland won 2-0. If Dalglish scored, there's the answer then.
  17. Deborah Winger was (one of) the voices of E.T. The Pentagon has twice as many toilets as is needed, as when it was built racial segregation laws still applied on the State of Virginia.
  18. The river, The Lort Burn, runs down Grey Street Stevie. High Bridge St. Is named after the bridge which crossed it , before the river was culverted to build Grey Street. The original bridge is still there, incorporated into the culvert.
  19. Any useless trivia, daft facts, etc. Get it posted. I'll start us off; Brazil the country is named after the nut, not the other way round. The original Michael Myers Halloween mask was a Capt. Kirk mask painted white. The longest word possible from letters on one row of a keyboard is… TYPEWRITER. Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots. *prepares for every one the above to be torn to bits *
  20. Did Scotland ever play at Anfield? Other than that, no idea.
  21. BBC reporting he was found on an embankment near High Level Bridge. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-12061819 Always tragic, but this close to Christmas must be a particularly hard blow for his family.
  22. Sounds like a Geordie Boxer Whereas the first one sounds like an Brummie sex aid! Paper bag and a Gag.
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