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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Not sure Leon was in the Beatles like. Little known fact, used to comb their taches in their Sgt.Pepper days.Tiny hands, delicate touch.
  2. From when Blondie fires the cannon to when Tuco is opening Arch Stanton's grave, is the best background music in any film ever in human history, has the potential to put hairs on the beck of your neck even after you've seen it 100 times. Wouldn't argue with a word of that. The bit where Tuco's getting weighed in by that big hairy gripper in the POW camp-genius counterpointing of violence and soft music. First time I'd seen that done though I'm sure someone better versed in cine history will tell me it wasn't a first. It wasn't a first
  3. True apparently Was also a South African Jew, Solomon Joel Cohen Who Knew?
  4. You need happy a medium though. I find skinny as fuck flat chested women as repulsive as morbidly obese. I don't mean stick thin. I'm more referring to your typical mackem lass 'Massive belly with tiny tits'. Looks awful, imo. I'm happy with a swimmers physique. Not skinny, not fat, just toned and healthy. That's a right con in my book. Vile, tbh. Anyway, what am I talking about. I've been with my lass for years. Had first bairn at 20 and havn't fired into anything for a long time. Still have a little peruse now and again though If you did I bet you'd have the jesters feet after about 5 seconds. Up and over like a pan of milk. No disrespect to your lass, obviously.
  5. So many favourites in this thread, Withnail and I Naked The Outlaw Josey Wales Lord of the Rings Amelie to mention just a few I'll add ; Where Eagles Dare Mean Streets Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Bullitt The Great Escape Apocalypse Now Raging Bull Anvil - The story of Anvil Fight Club Impossible to pin it down to 3 mind
  6. The reason you see little evidence of it CT is because the poor can't afford taxis. My mrs. works in the low income housing sector in your neck of the woods. The people she deals with are piss poor. This will hit them hard. Thanks to Dave, the social housing support departments , which are there to stop these people being tossed onto the street when they get behind in their bills etc, are being obliterated. If that's a bullet, consider yourself shot
  7. Isn't that precisely what our stated "policy" is? Buying/developing young talent with a good resale value. If he does move on , I guarantee Llamearse will come out with it saying, " It's all part of our stated 5 year plan on the Arsenal/ Barca/ Blyth Spartans model"
  8. I'm in the middle of renewing existing contracts and tendering for new work. All my clients are asking the same question- how much are you putting your prices up by because of the hike in VAT? I've explained to them all that the very slight raise in our price is in response to the sky high price of fuel and our suppliers taking the piss in their prices. Once our running costs are accounted for, our service cost is the same as it was , which has kept us all our existing work and (fingers crossed) seems to be winning us new work.
  9. Bye Andy, it was nice while it lasted.
  10. My dyslexic friend reckons Gillette is the best thing since sliced beard.
  11. I went from drinking in the Wynn Dyke in West Denton with the odd trip to Madisons and Central Park etc around 1989 down to there. Live bands and Theakstons. Other than that is was the Dog & Parrott or The Farmers Rest. Pund a pint the beer used to make you folla through. Broken Doll ...did anyone ever sample the legendary "liquid Heroin " known as Slalom D ? Your description, Sir, is apt. I was less into my beer and more into alternative pleasures in my Doll days. Barley Mow was a decent bar in it's day. Barlow Mow was canny aye. Used to sit outside on the balcony bit when it was there. Also the Free Trade (was in there yesterday). Not so keen on the cottage like... Aye, me neither. Went in a few times but never really "got" it like the Doll or Barley Mow.
  12. When I was 16 my best mate and cousin were ( still are) musos. One night my cousin and I were staggering back from a session, music and booze and jazz tabs , and passed a lasses house who I'd been on/off with, but wanted to get back on. My cousin whipped out his Sax and launched into the sax part of Baker St. at the top of her drive. It was well,well after midnight- bedroom lights went on, curtains twitched and we got the "Pack that bloody racket in!" but he carried on playing till the end. Next day at school the lass got back with me. Thanks Gerry RIP
  13. I went from drinking in the Wynn Dyke in West Denton with the odd trip to Madisons and Central Park etc around 1989 down to there. Live bands and Theakstons. Other than that is was the Dog & Parrott or The Farmers Rest. Pund a pint the beer used to make you folla through. Broken Doll ...did anyone ever sample the legendary "liquid Heroin " known as Slalom D ? Your description, Sir, is apt. I was less into my beer and more into alternative pleasures in my Doll days. Barley Mow was a decent bar in it's day.
  14. Aye it was, my favourite moment in the whole match tbh. Batty v Batty brings up Le Saux's wee handbags in Moscow. Odd that.
  15. When Tiote does , then maybe we can talk. Batty all the way *Old Skool*
  16. Aren't you on about a Magarita? Grappa's brandy made with the leftovers of the wine-making process, i.e. the stems, grape skin etc. It's rocket fuel and a bit like Raki. Grappa is a killer an no mistake. Off on a tangent here, but wasn't there a 'Grippa' in that school programme er, what was it called....... Grange Hill ??? Here's the boys; Moral; Bullying keeps you slim.
  17. Shame Fat Sam got pedalled as he'd obviously have been streets ahead of everyone else. Seriously, Holloway. So far.
  18. aw tell us Stevie, go on give us a hint and cheer these miserable feckers up! It's a family thing pet, quite personal. Funny though. oh well thats fair enough...at least someone else is cheerful today! It's not family related to be honest but it's fucking funny I don't want to divulge it. Total eye opener and I might be being nasty, but I couldn't stop fucking laughing. Post it man! Or PM
  19. I'm due to be working away next week- can't wait as I'm going stir crazy, but at the same time hate being away from the nippers now. What a bloody woman I am. Picking up Alex's point on the food frenzy at Christmas, twice over the holidays I've had words with stroppy cunts in the supermarket. First was some miserable bint who started on Grandma Fist, not realising I was her son. That was quite funny, seeing the spectacular change in attitude. Second was less funny, some arsehole pushed my little one to one side to get his precious fucking chocolate. Mrs. Fist managed to pull me away, but not before I'd given the coward ample opportunity to shove me out the way too, for a big lad his arse totally dropped Hey Ho, Christmas spirit and that.
  20. CT admitting he's a Mackem and a hooligan. The world keeps on turning.
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