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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. We’ve gone so far to the right that a pack of centrists will feel like Che Guevara has strolled in to Downing St. I’ll be happy with a PM that doesn’t make my fucking skin crawl , to start with.
  2. That’s a T-shirt , right there.
  3. Looking at this again, the gap between Big Lad and his disturbed-looking mates can only be one thing. He’s just eaten one of them.
  4. Didn’t young Fender play his first gigs there? I see a fruitless campaign starting up.
  5. I’m guessing they’re her songs- all I know about her is the song I mentioned, her dad’s haircut, and her fondness for whipping her blart out.
  6. Apparently the Maggy Bank is closing down. Used to be a decent pub and venue, but I’ve not been in for years.
  7. For a horrible moment I thought you’d said Ronnie Pickering.
  8. Can some famous fucker hurry up and die please?
  9. He definitely had Pablo Escobar’s number.
  10. “ What shall we take the boys to see this weekend Dear?” ” How about some old boilers in the nip?” ” Perfect!”
  11. 20p??? Do you want him to get his ears flicked on his own doorstep? Your gaff must reek of eggs on Nov. 1st.
  12. Well, you know, there was ironing to be done…
  13. I was thinking, “ Who the fuck would go and see the Nolans?”, then I thought “ Did they actually do concerts?” This website answers that. https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/the-nolans#concert-table 1981- 1 Concert 1995- 1 Concert 2009- 22 feckin’ Concerts 2013- 1 Concert. 25 concerts in their career.
  14. Did a bit of star gazing last night and while looking at Orion’s Belt I thought, ” That’s a big waist of space”. Giddup ( that’s a three star joke, right there.)
  15. Good to see him contributing to the Murder and Terrorism Fund. Every little bit helps.
  16. I’m sure the Kunts will have a beautifully measured response to…that.
  17. Is that Old Minge Pits herself, Nena, introducing Ballsachs in the bottom one?
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