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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fair dos when your out on the lash and just want some face fodder, but when I go to pick up a meal from my local Chinese, every time there's someone, sober as a judge, who gets a main , rice and curry sauce. Each to their own I suppose, but Chinese curry sauce is fucking rank- in every aspect it's like Indian Baby Shite.
  2. Only the cool Neanderthals had these though
  3. Insert some broken plates into your mouth, then use a thick scouse accent when reading it Fish. Hey Presto, you are John Bishop and it's all suddenly a hoot. (Don't forget to mention how your Dad wouldn't approve)
  4. I've understood why people get Chinese food, then hoy curry sauce all over it? Just get an Indians
  5. It's mental. If they have a break in the league, are the players at the WC then expected to go straight back into playing? With a months break, the league will finish a month later than usual, do we then start the next season on time, or delay that to give time for transfers and pre-season? It's mental.
  6. Its like having the World Mountaineering Championships in fucking Holland. Sepp Blatter , FUCK OFF!
  7. Commemorate her 20 odd years after the event, tbf. Ey ey, I wuz dere man, I'll never forget de stinckkkkh of piss.
  8. So, Who was the better singer between these two bad boys? Otis for me Edit: tried to put a poll up but can i Fuck Someone, anyone ? Edit 2 : Magic!
  9. Says the Otis Redding fan. We need to set up some Band Deathmatches to get a definitive answer on who's the best imo. Personal taste be damned, there must be a way of deciding this. Hit the polls! First suggestion - Otis v Liam , who was the best singer Otis also pished on Gallagher for sex and drugs btw. Mad for it, he was
  10. Says the Otis Redding fan. A wee snippet of my "Rock" tastes then; Led Zeppelin Hendrix Black Keys Zappa Stooges All of which could show Oasis a thing or two about Rock, but that's just my opinion. And Otis v Liam?
  11. Best band in the world. Noel said so. Oh aye, forgot about that. In that case … Oasis, Yay!
  12. Has to be said mind, Oasis are utter chinsplash.
  13. Are chavs and charvers really the same thing? They have different connotations to me. I was just under the impression chavs were from down south and charvers were from Newcastle. Whats your definition? I don't really have one, but the southern chavs you see on the likes of that documentary don't really seem like Newcastle charvers, Liverpool scallies, or Glasgow neds. I get the impression chavs can be quite wealthy, for instance buying designer clothes, but have no class. Isn't Julie Burchill a self-confessed chav? Whereas here, being a charver is more than just having a bad fashion sense and mindset, its about being part of an underclass. Could be wrong like. My impression of a Charver is the stereotypical Elswick mob hanging around talking out of their nose, listening to happy house & calling each other a radgie. They'll drink WKD or cans of lager on street corners and get fog on from their mates 20 a day habit of Regal. They'll hate the police though won't really know why and have fun throwing their empty bottles at passing fire vehicles. Their mastiff dog will be called Cowie and their Mothers will be about 13-15 years older than them. They will have gold hanging from every limb having not realised how much they could make weighing it in, they will walk like they have displaced hips and their nasal tone will want to make you put your foot through their face. They have the inability to be alone, much like a pack of dogs. Also like a pack of dogs they will have no issue in shitting on their own doorstep, whatever form that takes. They all sign on but think its shocking that they only get however much they do as it barely covers the cost of their regular "ounce". That's the badger. Should send that to the O.E.D. for inclusion next year
  14. Xisco, in the dressing room, with the 14 inch strap on.
  15. especially if we're sat at a work computer getting paid to do it
  16. Definition of Middle Class = the last two pages of this thread
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