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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I thought it was a 12:45 KO. Silly. That's a good stat, how've we been doing? ouch!
  2. Probably not as bad as he did when his Dad told him he'd been spat at by NU supporters, by the way! have you read his autobiography? Have you learned nothing from your fellow villagers? I'm from Newcastle therefore I can't read.
  3. Teed, Sir Bobby Robson was also a father. How do you think his sons felt listening to your lot asking if he was dead yet? People in glasshouses etc etc.
  4. If we lose, at least I'll have the satisfaction of not waking up and/or going to work in a shit hole the next day. Reminds me a bit of that Winston Churchill quote when some ugly woman reprimanded him for being drunk. Paraphrasing I think the gist of his reply was 'Yes, I'm drunk, and you're ugly. But in the morning, I will be sober'. I always bear that in mind after our once-a-decade defeat. That's what I said. That "TEED" who's posted on here before saying that posters on Newcastle Online were taking the piss out of some mackem who died of a heart attack during the game. Scumbags to be fair if that's true, shame he can't find the thread like. Fuckin Everton grotty little club who had 5,000 empty seats against Man Utd most expensive ticket £34 a go. The thing with Everton they HATE the fact no one other than Liverpool notices them, it boils their piss. 9 league titles though, surely the most overachieving small club in world footballing history. Shit ground, shit fans, shit everything really. Sunderland are as big as Everton if not bigger in my eyes, certainly fanbase wise. Should get Moxey to burn their wooden ground down Bradford style. That's supposed to have happened on Newcastle Online. Aye, right, the website where you get a lifetime ban for calling someone a twat, I can see that happening. Skunkers, maybe, but I still doubt it. As for Everton - 'the People's club' ffs, they are easily one of the most bitter clubs and set of fans I have ever witnessed, which is why they are scouse mackems. Just like scouse cockneys (spurs), scouse mancs (citeh), and souse brummies (Birmingham). All got one thing in common - a massive fucking chip on their shoulders. All these clubs fans are guaranteed to give it a round of 'Where were you when you were shit' without a trace of irony, that's how you can detect them. QFT. As best evidenced by ClubEverton himself who, when coming on here to do a 'lighthearted' piece on an upcoming fixture, turned into an absolute bosseyed wank hound, foaming at the mouth when we didn't all fall over ourselves to tell him how good/superior to us Everton were. One of the saddest things witnessed on here in the last year tbh. Beat me too it Mancy! I remember him coming on all friendly and shit, then when we were honest, and his team got twatted, out came the Scouse mackem. Tool. As for unwashed neighbours getting upset about an imaginary post about their fan dying - their wonderful ditty aimed at SBR was clearly in great taste. Tools. .
  5. Wahey! Neither dead nor incarcerated.
  6. I think before they take the high ground they need to look at their own photoshop threads from the past. Hypocritical morons who love to mourn. WWII! Fucking hell man. We don't need to rip the piss out them really, they do a cracking job themselves.
  7. RIP. An immeasurable debt is owed by all of us to every single Allied fighter in WW2. This man did seem to be a cut above though.
  8. Aye but Tortilla's are. That's the nearest thing I'd had to a Mexican meal. What hummus then, where's it from I mean? Hummus is middle eastern / east Meditteranean I think. Btw, Mexican you get in this country is more like 'Tex-Mex' a bit like how the curries here are canny different to the stuff in India. I like Mexican food like. The meal I did on New Year's Eve was my shit attempt at it. I had chicken barito was hot like gorg though. Couldn't get enough. So see couscous, is that the same type of thing as hummus? Cous cous is different entirely. Think of it as Nirth African rice. It's not a grain as such, it's rolled into pellets from semolina flour, then dried. Wikidedooda
  9. Yes. Very good I thought Thankee. I will give it a try. I nearly deleted it the other day. I like James McAvoy but Keira Knightley irritates me to hell She gets her growler out (ish) thats not a reason for me to watch it If I was that way inclined I wouldnt fancy her! (its kind of weird how I know who I'd fancy and who I wouldnt though) Names please *sweat on* surely this needs a poll and then she can tell us if we're right Get busy then.… so long as Salma is on it. I did post one or two for you. Im off to sleep on it now Will that not make it all wrinkly in the morning? Nite
  10. Yes. Very good I thought Thankee. I will give it a try. I nearly deleted it the other day. I like James McAvoy but Keira Knightley irritates me to hell She gets her growler out (ish) thats not a reason for me to watch it If I was that way inclined I wouldnt fancy her! (its kind of weird how I know who I'd fancy and who I wouldnt though) Names please *sweat on* surely this needs a poll and then she can tell us if we're right Get busy then.… so long as Salma is on it.
  11. Yes. Very good I thought Thankee. I will give it a try. I nearly deleted it the other day. I like James McAvoy but Keira Knightley irritates me to hell She gets her growler out (ish) thats not a reason for me to watch it If I was that way inclined I wouldnt fancy her! (its kind of weird how I know who I'd fancy and who I wouldnt though) Names please *sweat on*
  12. A pet annoyance of mine is porn set it in the past with bald minges.
  13. Yes. Very good I thought Thankee. I will give it a try. I nearly deleted it the other day. I like James McAvoy but Keira Knightley irritates me to hell She gets her growler out (ish)
  14. To save anyone the bother, here are Kate's chebs
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