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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Judge;" And what are your grounds for the divorce Mrs. @Yourservice?" Mrs. @;" It was me or the Stokoeshop, he chose Stokoeshop"
  2. Next weeks Lottery numbers or GTF.
  3. Nice to see a step in the right direction for once. Water under the bridge now, but wasn't Hughton keen on getting Carver in? Anyway, welcome back John
  4. This, basically. Even last season, us in the Championship,mackems in the PL, we were the top North East club. Always have been.
  5. No such thing as bad taste in my book
  6. Can I suggest Gold status for this thread?
  7. So, I was babysitting last week for my sister-in-law's newborn. As she left she said if the bairn woke up that the best way was to rock it back to sleep. And she was right… After only 3 stones off it's head I didn't hear another sound all night.
  8. Two tramps are standing around bragging about their day. The first tramp says "Today I found £20, and was able to buy a nice hot meal. It was my luckiest day ever!". The second tramp replies: "Oh yeah?my day was way better! I was at the railway yard, and found a woman tied to the train tracks. After I untied her, we fucked all day" "Did you get a blow job?" "Nah, I couldnt find her head"
  9. He also said he bled Black & White, so I wouldn't take Brucie Boy as your Oracle of Truth.
  10. Are we talking male wildfowl here? Looks dodgy to me How did you know I was eating my lunch? Mens dicks look like they have been stuck on as an after thought. Which is about right. I agree, but for balance I'd also state that certain ladies nether parts can resemble an explosion in a kebab factory. Pah like you would turn it down if it was offered to you! I don't wait for offers, I use my 100% Guaranteed Chat Up Kit
  11. Are we talking male wildfowl here? Looks dodgy to me How did you know I was eating my lunch? Mens dicks look like they have been stuck on as an after thought. Which is about right. I agree, but for balance I'd also state that certain ladies nether parts can resemble an explosion in a kebab factory.
  12. TWENTY FOUR MILLION, if Brewcie has that to spend then I think it's a great deal for Sunderland. Can't see the knuckle draggers viewing it that way though.
  13. Blokes with moobs- shifty fuckers.
  14. Are we talking male wildfowl here? Looks dodgy to me
  15. For that matter, can you trust women with cocks?
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