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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I thought Judaism was a religion, not a race? Oy vey, you live, you learn.
  2. Battleship Potemkin inspired?
  3. You're right to be embarrassed. That haircut is pure 70s man
  4. A teacher did that at registration once on the first day in a new class. Well "sigh-oh-ban" to be exact. lol i had that a fair few times when i worked in accounts, English companies ringing up about invoices asking for people in the office the other one was may-buh for Maebh and various ones for Ruairí (rory) How the hell do you pronounce it? As in Niamh? Aoife is another I used to struggle with
  5. In 1993 I had a swedge with a French bloke who'd stolen my tent and belongings the previous evening. Chased him for a few hundred yards then collared him. I grabbed his bag which had all my stuff in except my camera and Walkman. I repeatedly asked him where they were, and his pleas of innocence were starting to get the red mist creeping in on me. After giving him several more chances to tell me where my missing stuff was, I thought "fuck it" and went to rifle his coat pockets. He batted my hand away and that was that. Fucking Silverback time! Next thing I remember he's lying on the deck bubbling, and I think " Get up man, I've only slapped you". So I bend down to pick him up , realise he's got a shaved head , and so pick him up by his ears. Oops, nasty ripping sound and a squeal and see I've separated his lobe by an inch. About a 2 hours later I'm back at work, Gendarmes turn up and take me into custody. Clouseau explains he was picked up by a tourist who brought him in, where he pressed charges. After telling him what happened the cop explained that he'd been examined by a doctor and given a six day sick note, as a means of measuring the severity of his injuries. The cop asks me if I'm hurt at all, and I say no. He looks at my knuckles and says "they look broken", makes a phone call and the next thing I'm sent up the street to the doctors. One brief examination and I'm sent back to the station with a 2 week sick note ! The copper winked, said "we don't like thiefs here, bad for business" and released me. Vive La Justice.
  6. Well I wouldn't want to argue with a big bastard like you, so I'll wait until at least three people vouch for him. Anyone? Good lad. :
  7. Happy Birthday Is Stevie treating you to something nice?
  8. It's called eveningwear, Kevin. Do you have a torso I was wondering which Giraffe he borrowed his pins from ?
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