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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Got one of these going free to anyone who needs it. The carry cot is missing, but otherwise mint. Hoping to shift it this week, otherwise it's to the tip.
  2. Aye, come on fatty, post yer coupon or GTF
  3. Good lad Hudson, welcome to the wankfest board
  4. She asked expectantly, whilst simultaneously reaching for her coat. I'm not a cider fan. Infact I drink very little. Just the odd glass of Rose or Red wine. Used to like a Baileys but that gives me indigestion now Oh or a WKD Blue if I'm feeling thirsty. You should try water. I'm reminded of The Broon Bottle vs Cider Woman
  5. TBH Fuller will be a good signing if we are going for the big man little man combo that Quinn talked about. Also I'd take Owen till the end of the season. Those two will certainly keep the club doctors in work.
  6. It was dole day on Thursday, he'll be sleeping off the remnants of the White Lightning bench party
  7. Worst NUFC rumour "we never booed Sir Bobby out of our ground" SAFC is a family club, unless you're Darren Bent's mam, the leathery monkey.
  8. Greyhounds. And why do we have to do it in secret?
  9. Ithangew (Toughguymick, watch and learn son, watch and learn )
  10. Eskimo wife " Irish Stew for tea tonight Nanook" Nanook. " O'Ceallagain?" Coat is on…
  11. Is that according to the story book that says the earth was built in seven days?
  12. Tenuous is my middle name. (Spelt Taihneamus in Oirland)
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