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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The whole point of it was that the fucking incompetent tools made a statue of a bloke , respected equally by NUFC and safc, look like a fucking paedo! Jeez Louise!
  2. Its not the man were taking the piss out of. It the dire statue. Oh I know that but lets face it, it didnt really need to go the peado route (as funny as it has been). And you know a few of the more delicate flowers on here wold be going barmy if roles were reversed. Just saying like. Why don't you start a thread and see how it goes?
  3. His stumps must've been a blur when he ran- 10 strides a second them midget pegs. Just read the link, I hope that's not the replacement statue !
  4. Emotional hedging, I know guys who do that. I just avoid betting on spurs like the plague. I was in the bricklayers after the five one and some guy had the correct score and first scorer. He was buying drinks like they were going out of fashion. *Danny B* God knows how much he must have one. Just doing what you asked mate
  5. You are fucking kidding me HF? Is that supposed to be SBR? Where the hell is that monstrosity? Looks like a bouffant Ernie Wise ffs
  6. We'd have to have a paedoesque statue of him first.
  7. Just weighed myself today. 14st 1lb. Skinny for me.
  8. Some aussie sent it to me on youtube. And you claim to be a comedy writer?
  9. How the fuck do you blow £5.5 million on Fosters and Greggs steak bakes?
  10. Did you get this from a staff memo - "How to deal with non-standard menu requests"?
  11. The voice of Truth has spoken. As it goes, I agree with Alex. Keep Forster and Krul. Let them scrap over No.1.
  12. Is that a winky wank? Left handed is known as a "stranger" n'est pas?
  13. That's a far more useful thing than being a 'hardman'. I can usually spot bother a mile off, and avoid getting caught up in it. Also has a lot to do with where you go out. I go down the Ouseburn and places with a similar vibe. Very few knobs there, so little if any trouble.
  14. Never lost yet Oddly, my right arm is significantly bigger than my left. Hmmmm
  15. Not from me mate. Nails me You look proper hard tbh, I reckon you'd be in the top 5 contenders on Toontastic tbh, along with mancmag, Alex and Peasepud. I was taking the piss man. Big hippy at heart.
  16. I have no current plans of an invasion.
  17. Given your obvious Viking genes Gemmill, I'd recommend you wear this in daylight hours whilst downunder.
  18. Vince McMahon meets Giant Haystacks eh? I fear for Vincent.
  19. Trivia like this makes my day just that little bit brighter
  20. Just PMed you Pud, it's theirs if they want it mate.
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