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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. No matter how fast you could theoretically travel, if your destination was in SR1 you'd always be 10 years behind.
  2. The knitting needle analogy still stands mind.
  3. Tried gargling with warm salty fluids? I can be there within the hour
  4. Have you taken the lens cap off?
  5. Leazes, I know you're suffering in silence- you needn't. There are people who can help. You have to take the first step though, and embrace your sexuality.
  6. Did someone "do" something to cause you to repress your desire for cock, or was it just life experience?
  7. In the closet, and alone!! For so long , poor you. When did you first act upon your urges?
  8. what makes you think I like those places Serious comment, chance to redeem yourself btw Oh , the bitter irony You're an embarrassments Leazes. You truly are. Agreed. Odd that he continues to post here so much when no one gives a shit about his tired old shite. The stuff directed at meenzer would be offensive if it wasn't so sad. He's got form; http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=849532 Odd ,mind, that Leazes knows the url to such a site- I mean, its not exactly obvious what it links to? I doubt whether an exploratory 'google' search for gay porn would bring that up top of the list. Unless..............Leazes, do you have something you'd like to share with us it is linked a lot to the mackems on skunkers. Can't you still stop yourself jumping in and thinking your chums need moral support. How pathetic and embarrassing. Course it is ,Sweetie How long have you known? Since puberty?
  9. You sure? You missed the word virtually? I was thinking of you when I added it in. Parky knows where I'm coming from with regards to all this ESP shite, ridicule it all you like, but I've done it since I was about 10 where cunts have went " " regularly, only time I it truly goes missing is when am deein me coupon, and lucky 15s on a Satder. I sense lies, I sense things that have happened, and I sense things that are going to happen. Lots of people have extra scensory abilities. I wanted to use this thread to get it out of yous, so on April 30th yous could go "fuck me he's a lot more than an egg McMuffin filler this kid", but as usual thread decends in to the standard pish. Some people must make threads sometimes and think why fuckin bother. What are you on about now? Where have I ridiculed your esp powers? You do confuse me at times with your posts. You haven't yet, but you will,.............you will
  10. Do you now http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=850284
  11. Knew it was only a matter of time before that one turned up. Leazes never has been able to cope with the idea that some people on here actually like each other. ah, depends what you mean by "like", we know what it means to you To be fair a naa different cunts are from different era's but in this one there's nee need for that like. The way a look at it is, if you come from Manchester, you can support City or United, some support City, I don't understand it but I respect it, and you should too. He's clearly got a problem with homosexuality. The truth will OUT
  12. what makes you think I like those places Serious comment, chance to redeem yourself btw Oh , the bitter irony You're an embarrassments Leazes. You truly are. Agreed. Odd that he continues to post here so much when no one gives a shit about his tired old shite. The stuff directed at meenzer would be offensive if it wasn't so sad. He's got form; http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=849532 Odd ,mind, that Leazes knows the url to such a site- I mean, its not exactly obvious what it links to? I doubt whether an exploratory 'google' search for gay porn would bring that up top of the list. Unless..............Leazes, do you have something you'd like to share with us
  13. Aye, fair dos. Re. It's family , I know a couple of families where the same scenario occurred, and no one did the "right" thing. Kids are still in care. Anyway, "The Downfall of The Porky Krautlet" has me hooked. Updates needed as and when Parky.
  14. Hats ( and pointy shoes) off to you Manc-Mag!
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