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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The Tourist Information Office in Barrow-in-Furness is an empty shop, with this on the wall- Clicky A more depressing place I have yet to see.
  2. Ashley will be hung by his own noose, we're on a sloap on a rope.
  3. Whereas you scruffy feckers have a half empty ground and have never owned a towel.
  4. 50k I fuckin wish - 50k pmsl, they don't call me Renton/Alex/Peasepud/MF/CT ye naa. Well in that scenario, I'd be packing my tent and my speedo's for the flood season and fuckin Dhaka here I come I'd be a toon martyr. Donno where this myth comes from I'm this uber fan, yes I've had a season ticket since I was a bairn but I've been to no more than 15 away games in the last 4 year I'd guess. There's OOT's can better that. Hew laddie! Don't be lumping me in with those paupers ! 50k? Meh.…
  5. You could've told us sooner Why, pray tell ?
  6. Sorry mate, when you said "change the water" I went into shock. Ewerk, it's a 2 man partnership.
  7. Happy Monkey. Just had two clients confirm contracts, each £20grand+. Still waiting on another which will make the above seem like small change, and the vibes are good.
  8. I wasn't paying too much attention to the nasal passages tbf Stevie.
  9. Also amusing all the conspiricy theorists that will believe it is signs of aliens whilst dismissing rational arguments. Its a fake BTW. Where did I say it was aliens like? I find ritual cock mutilation in the name of religion highly amusing, if not backward. But there you go.
  10. I find it a hoot that many religious types will dismiss this out of hand, whilst believing in an unseen, all knowing Big Man, talked about in a book.
  11. He deserves some credit. When I've seen him walking, he shows no sign of the obvious discomfort from having Ashley's arm so far up his hoop. Fortitude. Zaza
  12. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS...QaMidqIUol6zBxq This is my point, Kev. To the right is Kimberley and it can't be more graphic. Have to just link it as it doesnt allow me to post. Sorry I realise I'm basically just talking to myself, but it really does eat away at me. She's not that awesome: her appeal is that of a council-estate trollop, tarted up with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of surgery and grooming. Zoom in on the link and you can just make out Redknapp hanging out the back of it.
  13. Agree with this tbh. You can hardly blame anyone for being a bit negative this week, can you?
  14. Lovenkrands is better than Ranger. Lovenkrands displays some centre-forward ability with his movement Aye, like he did v Stevenage..............oh wait Ranger made one of the worst misses in St Jame's Park history the other week. Still, he's got greatttt potential hasn't he? Couldn't score in a turkish brothel Are you really arguing who's best between Ranger and Lovelyhands? Have you no shame???
  15. I feel your pain. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=858765
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