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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I don’t see how Sugartits donning the dancing pants and making her husband The Prince of Wails would be that stressful tbh.
  2. Aye, but the rest of them are totally reasonable?
  3. It’s ironic she’s against people changing their bodies to improve their mental health, given the amount of plastic surgery she’s had.
  4. My laddie had the same, several times. It’s awful but they said he’d “grow out of it”. And he did… about 10 years later. How old is Fish Roe?
  5. You were a fannys away from perfection
  6. First look at Gimli’s new cabinet
  7. Queef is having himself an impotent rage reaction party. Go easy on him lads, he’s a bit fragile as he got lifted last night for breaking and “entering”. Whopper.
  8. Genuine question here- how will Pig Fucker be held to account if he can’t face questions in Parliament? Not that I think he’ll be there more than a week or two as I reckon The Midget is about to face yet another Tory leadership challenge, but the point stands?
  9. It’s absolute, cold, calculated, Conservatism in its purest, most evil form. “Fuck you, I’ve got mine”. I despise these bastards in genuinely visceral way.
  10. Meanwhile, as well as crumbling in front of our eyes, gotta keep on cunting. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67385385
  11. Look what’s just pulled up in front of me.
  12. It’s either posting on here or fucking all those sexy kids out there. Anyway, ta ta.
  13. It’s ironic that while you live rent-free in your mams basement, it seems this place and its fine members live rent-free in your head. Give it up man, this behaviour won’t bring the ex back.
  14. Get fucked you absolute cuckold whopper.
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