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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Gordon Lee, wasn’t ginger but fucking deserves to be.
  2. I have a coppertop kid, and wife- I get a pass.
  3. Doesn’t matter man- they all look the same.
  4. I’m almost 100% sure he didn’t just start but scored as well. Ginger cunt.
  5. Mick Mahoney, Super Ginger, would like a word.
  6. Don’t worry-I always give a cheeky whenever anyone mentions Brian Pinas.
  7. I stand corrected- another ginger midfielder.
  8. Again, could pass as blonde, but, m’lud, I present as evidence of his gingery genes…
  9. If we stick a ginger wig on Steve “we don’t do tactics” Bruce as gaffer, it doesn’t matter which position they play as long as there’s 11 devil spawn on the pitch. “ Roll ya sleeves down lads, sun’s out”
  10. Gets sunburn if you turn the light on.
  11. Goalie and Manager solved. ( some might say he’s blonde, but he’s from West Britain - if his baallz at least aren’t covered in ginge I’ll show my arse in Fenwicks Christmas window.).
  12. Mrs. W. “ Wahkikeh, luv… ah we goin’ t’match?” Wykiki -“ ‘Appen” Mrs. W. “ Will Callum be theeere?” Wykiki- “ Appen…” Mrs. W.…
  13. The Pewl has an Instagram page of the community wash day each decade. Cleayn!
  14. Wykiki’s Mrs. was dripping like a fucked fridge whenever Wilson appeared, though, so there’s always balance.
  15. Don’t forget the Pewl where they go for their once-a-decade bath.
  16. “ Right, so the dugout refurb has to be ready for the Scouse game - who did we put in charge of it?” “ Excellent work”.
  17. I wonder if it’s crossed his mind that the lads moved tables because of the stench?
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