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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. So, let me get this straight- a perceived slight on Islam on a message board raises more anger than an actual mob rape? Fucked up. Utterly fucked up.
  2. No. 15 So Ronery!! Some cracking shots there Jimbo.
  3. Fucking Hell, I thought I was bad… Just tell me when I cross the line and I'll stop. Look behind you, the line is there in the distance
  4. Fucking Hell, I thought I was bad…
  5. Gattuso agrees with this thread.
  6. Really though? The thing is, the whole calorie counting thing isn't really necessary if you've got a vague idea about food anyway. CT - you mentioned how you're learning about food and all that at WW, but haven't you been a member before? Didn't they teach you all this last time?
  7. I got sent that the other day, only it said Mackem instead of retard. Whats the difference like?
  8. Get in. 2-1 when Oba does the inevitable.
  9. There's a queue man! Sheesh, some people
  10. I was having sex with a retard the other day but she wouldn't let me cum in her mouth. So I spunked on the window and let nature take its course!
  11. Beatrice Dalle, filth. "Bon matin , Garçons!"
  12. It's Brian, Ange and Baldric - Playaway Time!!
  13. Seconded. Seems weird to think of KK as 60! Happy Birthday wee man
  14. I encourage you Fish I encourage you
  15. I too am single so I will join you (not literally, you life far away and it would just be a bit awkward) in having pie, beans and mash. I've been thinking about this time last year, where on a last throw of the dice to keep us alive I took my girlfriend on a romantic weekend away to Newcastle, of all places. Had a lovely weekend but sadly it did not halt the slide and we broke up two weeks later. Been kung-fu fighting the urge all week to get in touch with her and drag it all up again but I know it will be fruitless so I've settled for drunkenly sleeping with my doctor/nurse friend again after vowing not to. Cunting Valentine's. FYP it just felt wrong without it
  16. Looks like James Hunt tbh. Not a patch on wor Dawn from the proper Office. If James Hunt looked like that, I'd dig him up and smash him.
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