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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Lowey/lowie for money. Instant Twat judgement to anyone I hear using it.
  2. Try not to use the Jif type lemon juice- buy a lemon, zest it and chuck that in then squeeze the juice in. Makes a hell of a difference
  3. Take your pick The wonders of google
  4. Just seen this. Top work Fish
  5. French Dressing? Oil White wine vinegar Dijon mustard Salt and pepper
  6. Iceberg lettuce , bleurgh!
  7. Oh no, her clothes have fallen off!!
  8. Well that was fun… Bianca Beauchamp Where's me 'nana's?
  9. * scuttles off to google search* I may be some time
  10. You, of all people, Jimbo Trophyshy, all felchy porridge transgressions are forgiven- who is that ?
  11. Pique is dreamy like. I thought Pique was bumming Zlatan Ibrahimovic ? Belta Minge man!
  12. That has to be the worst breakfast I can imagine. I hate porridge enough on its own without including the arse scrapings of Satan. Trophyshy should call it "Felch".
  13. Did this fecker not post the exact same shite a few months ago? Spamtastic.
  14. ChargrillPan Depends what meat as to your marinade, cut into pieces then marinade for as long as possible. For chicken, oil, crushed garlic, chilli and /or herbs, White wine vinegar. You can substitute the oil and vinegar with natural yoghurt if you like. Get creative. (working on Newcastle Uni Medical School this week, and next )
  15. Marinate your meat CT, for as long as poss. And grill ( or better still, chargrill if you have a pan) them. Other than that they are a piece of piss
  16. Hadn't thought of that. That'd be smashing! I'll write it down as 'Monkeys Fist Cake" A nice variation is to add coconut and Lime zest to the cake and substitute lime for lemon in the drizzle Fo shizzle.
  17. Lemon drizzle is almost foolproof. It works well when "sized up" for catering, can be done in a deep baking tray. Drizzly
  18. Where did you go, and what did you do?
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