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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Not sure Gemmill will be happy you posting pics of his new superbuff self.
  2. Aye, wasn't a dig at you Parky. There is an element though on here and elsewhere who seem to be gunning fir Harper. My point about spend, do you reckon we can buy a better keeper than Harper for what Ashley is likely to spend? Let's say £5 million for arguments sake?
  3. Mike leans forward for a pie, mid flight
  4. I have to say, I struggle to understand exactly why everyone seems so anti-Harper. Sure, he's no Buffon, but he's far from shite. Krul and Forster have a way to go yet before they're ready to take #1, and Harper has been a sterling servant of this club. For the money we'd (un)likely spend on a keeper, we wouldn't get better than Harper, and as said, the young uns are a season ,at least, away from being our first choice keeper.
  5. Really? TBF - they did get full houses for the first couple of years under the Monkey's heed - it was only after the relegations bit that they dropped a bit. That was in the initial "free ticket mackems" era though. Exactly. Can't be arsed to look it up, but I'd swear they rarely if ever got capacity, even when they were doing 'well'.
  6. I know. I'd rather have it about 10 degrees colder than like this stuff. It has been absolutely feckin Baltic today. Thank the Lord for half day Fridays, warming back up nicely in the pub now. Having seen the forecast for next week, thermal gear is getting packed in the work bag.
  7. Thank fuck for that. I was getting a bit anxious about not knowing the Best 10 Teams in the World, Ever.
  8. I agree the club response is risible, but credit to the guy for getting that far. From small acorns etc etc.
  9. Bit harsh really. To get any kind of voice within the Club, the first step must be to establish contact. Regardless of whether he's been given a stock response, he's got a contact. Given the utter failure of NUST, I can only wish this bloke well and see how things develop.
  10. Good on him. Shall look him up on FB. Is he anyone we know already, or is that classified?
  11. Give us a warning before dropping a shock like that.
  12. Absolutely, if I sounded critical of this bloke/group it wasn't meant to be. Just makes you wonder, if UtdForNewcastle can arrange discussion with club reps, why can't other groups?
  13. Is this not what NUST is meant to be doing? Am I missing something?
  14. Potato bread and soda bread is the ultimate , Aka the hangover sponge. Nowt wrong with mash on a roast dinner either.
  15. And anyway, petit brunettes are a damned sight easier to beat than fat ginges.
  16. Was because of your above average penis?
  17. That's like saying what would you rather eat- shit sandwich or vomit pie.
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