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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Easier said than done. My best mates a sparky and can eat all kinds of shit and drink what he likes and never changes weight. (The bastard). The job definitely doesnt help, but you find me another job where you can work when you feel like it, stop in bed if you fancy a lie in, go to work for an hour and then think naaaa not today......etc etc and I'll consider it. Keep the job , shed the pounds - the solution
  2. Cobbing, isn't it? I used to compete against in Trampolining.
  3. My cousin is married to Steve Watson, can I have a point?
  4. Just after Mourinho threw his lucky overcoat into the crowd at Chelski, he turned out at SJP in a puffer track jacket. Cue Level 7- " Your coat's from Matalan Your coat's from Matalan" Class (this might've been the game where he put three subs on at halftime , then Shearer clattered Wayne Bridge, not sure though).
  5. Happy Birthday 2J and Deadman. !lol!
  6. Makes you wonder what would happen to LA or San Francisco if one as big or bigger than this happened. Major structural damage, utilities disrupted, death. You're not the only one with the Gift
  7. Welcome aboard Go to "My Controls" and look through the left menu for Edit Signature.
  8. Makes you wonder what would happen to LA or San Francisco if one as big or bigger than this happened. The Pizza Delivery jobs Market would be thrown into turmoil.
  9. Thank fuck. I was having sleepless nights fretting over who was the 7th best club side in the world, ever. Thanks Dadoon, I await the re-run in 3 months with bated breath.
  10. Christchurch's Italian quarter has been destroyed mind Stevie.
  11. Got a mate lives in CH. He put a message up on FB informing us of his injuries- bumped heed due to atlas falling off the shelf above his desk! Lucky lad, says it's carnage.
  12. Is there an abysmal statue of Sir Bob anywhere mate?...feel free to go ahead if there is. The ipswich one isn't great but fortunately i have too much respect for SBR to mock him like this. typical typical of what?....someone who doesnt take everything they see on the internet seriously?....correct...which must be a new feeling for you.... Not taking it seriously? Oh i get it, mocking a dead North East legend, what a great laugh Shit, someone left the Mong-gate open... It's concerns have been answered several times in this thread alone, yet on it mongs, like some kind of unrelenting mong-machine :nah It rubs the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again!
  13. I'd imagine lonely. Oof! Dissed by the Derry Diggler
  14. I'm guessing yours was a bit gamey at a week old?
  15. Who says men can't multi-task? I was shagging this girl last night in the park, whilst covering her mouth AND looking out for any nearby policemen all at the same time.
  16. This bacon dodging tit has crossed a line in utter crassness here. I know this place is pretty relaxed, but using SBR to have a sly dig is beyond the pale. He's on ignore, and I would urge every one of you to do the same. Don't respond to the fucker and he'll eventually fuck off. Let's show the fucker what having respect means.
  17. Does that include the several hours a day parked up at Boldon Asda posting shite on here?
  18. I'm going out at 9 30, spoons then sugar opens at 11. Cut out the middleman- have a pint of this
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