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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. She's on our swinging page. http://www.facebook.com/grp/NorthEastFunlovers/
  2. Nah, sorry Kev, I've got some lovely pins I'd rather be sticking in my eyes. No offence , naturally. Is your Mam on FB?
  3. And I've seen your mug too Kev baby. You should write for John Bishop.
  4. I would love it, love it, if he strode onto the pitch like that!
  5. Indeed! I cracked one off, it's Jenn Kaelin
  6. Two subjects Kevin has no experience of- cooking and women. You're on a hiding to nothing here Gallagher.
  7. Yes Kevin, I did. That's why I posted it. Shall we start, or shall we be all growed up?
  8. FYP Actually, that does sound, and look, good. Pasta Amatriciana chez Fist tonight. Quick, easy and lush. (bit like Mrs. Fist tbh)
  9. It's debatable whether he had the ability to do so in the first place. More akin to smashing his ham (non-pig product) fists on the keyboard, no?
  10. I understand the call centre chicken this thread referred to has been binned......... Irony is delicious
  11. Interesting question that one actually. Was about to bat it to one side and say Jimmy Lawrence would have that record. Was here from 1904 to 1922 though so another 12 months and Harper will be longer serving. Bill McCracken and Frank Hudspeth have the record - 19 years. Was also eternally grateful he wasn't called Phillip.
  12. I said that a long, long time ago. Me doing the questions. Not for nothing, if you knock up 20 questions, I'll definitely support it's introduction by bribing the good and the great of Toontastic Should be a points system. You need 50% to get in. 10 questions about the toon (3 points for each correct answer). 10 questions about football in general, and a 200 word written statement "why you aren't a mug". To be given a mark out of forty by a panel of five appointed adjudicators. To be honest, this is Toontastic. So I'd also want a recipe, a film choice and a story about either: breaking up with their girlfriend/wife, shitting, or their cock. I broke up with a lass because she wouldn't shit on my cock. Can I have a gold star?
  13. Happy Birthday Cat, have a great day
  14. As Llamarse is presenting Little Dennis with his cunt of the month award.
  15. Easiest poll ever. Helicopter.
  16. Cheers CT, but I'm not sure I can take the credit for the recipe for a basic tomato-based pasta sauce Hats off for turning his shite red though
  17. They sign Pardoo for 5+ years, yet knock back Barton when he asks for 3? Llambiarsed.
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