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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What kind of artist was your Mam Stevie? Genuine question btw.
  2. Surprised. I'd always had you down as a lover of Bacon
  3. Fucking Hell, that's awful.did you know her well ? edit; just seen your post above, not that depressed then?
  4. You could always get the examiner in a D'Arce Choke until he passes you
  5. that's a blow mate but don't let it get you down too much. i had a similar experience a few years back afte ri broke my shoulder the temptaion is to turn to comfort food but just try not to stick to a sensible diet as much as possible and you'll be back excercising again before you know it. so... this was a bad idea then? A few concerns with that pic Fish; 1] The sunglasses....did you pay real money for them? 2] Judging by the size of the mug and fork, that is a sliver of cake as opposed to a slice. One bite and its over, fork is surplus to requirements 3]As evidenced by the ironing board, there was a woman present when this was taken- and yet still your jizz stained sheets are strewn on the floor. have you no shame ,man?
  6. Arse? This from the Ninja Doctor. I despair
  7. I love that era of advertising, and I would class them as art, without a doubt. Baixar Shep! (I know it's in Catalan, couldn't find Basque on my translate app)
  8. If you come back with an Athena poster, you're banned. Edit; just seen your Simpsons Scream. Be gone foul Philistine!
  9. Mrs. Fist asked me earlier, "If you could own one piece of art, purely for aesthetic reasons, what would it be?". Got me thinking, so I'm throwing it out to all the Brian Sewell's on here My initial choice was this; Doesn't have to be a painting btw.
  10. Aye, but salaried and with regular office hours rather than freelance and a master of my own destiny. Although obviously head office doesn't know if I'm nicking off to have the odd catnap as long as I answer my e-mails and meet my deadlines. What do you do Meenz, if that's not too nebby Not in the least. German-English translator, mostly tedious financial stuff that nobody actually reads. Small world. My cousin does the same job, same languages. "Die Katze ist in den Schrank, mit dem Spiegelei und Bratkartoffeln", is about the limit of my Eric-speak. I'm determined to find myself in a situation where it's of some use before I die.
  11. Eggs on pizzas are food sex, mind. I stick mine on near the end, so the yolks are still runny, then burst them and spread it over the pizza.
  12. Heard it. ... at the hearing? Jealousy is a terrible thing Fish, they don't just let any old bugger on the List. Elite only
  13. Aye, but salaried and with regular office hours rather than freelance and a master of my own destiny. Although obviously head office doesn't know if I'm nicking off to have the odd catnap as long as I answer my e-mails and meet my deadlines. What do you do Meenz, if that's not too nebby
  14. she's getting dp wrong, for a start. Any hole's a goal
  15. Anyway, pasta's ready. Ta Ta
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