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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Not sure how you can comment on something that happened 3 years before you even joined the board kimosabe Don't mention the War!
  2. So you wrote your own marriage vows…… meh!
  3. Never crashed mate. Seen loads in my rear-view mirror though
  4. Better than average then? I sense a theme
  5. You know what older drivers are like ffs. Would be like Driving Miss Daisy he'll gan that slow. I'm 42 cheeky cernt! Stirling fecking Moss, me.
  6. Sort out a deal with CT. Earplugs included.
  7. Man the fuck up tbh CT. Get lashed, eat like a pig, and on Sunday, watch all the naughty calories/lard disappear down the bog. Enjoy it man. Btw, St.James is the big girdery thing near the Metro station
  8. 9 minutes- not bad, not too shabby at all
  9. Bang?! Why don't they just call it gobble or titfuck? Because that would be vulgar, and delicate flowers like me would get upset. I must admit, the name is shite, but I didn't buy it to listen to it's name. Smells great.
  10. I'm into this at the moment. Proper bloke smelling stuff.
  11. Hmm, 1. Arthur Scargill 5. Electric razor? 11. Salt and pepper? Not seen them before, I'm just the shizzle
  12. Buddha is alive and well and on toontastic! And wearing Vulva aftershave?
  13. 1. Shredded Wheat? 2. A lighter 3. Velcro 4.guitar string? 5.razor 6.needle 7.cotton bud? 8.edge of a stamp 9. Blind bambi - no idea 10. Dentists brush? 11. Coffee and sugar grains?
  14. Aye buildings for me, mainly cathedrals. I think how the fuck did those fuckers with nee scaffolding etc ever build that. Just incredible be it Durham or notre dame. I actually like moody sea scapes a lot to be fair. Yup, this is very sad, but Ive often passed some of the old peoples bungalows in South shields perched right on the cliff edge with views out over the sea and think that would be a marvellous spot to retire. (Failing loads of cash and somewhere in the south of France of course). Love a good old Winter storm smashing into the light houses etc. (Seaham, but you get the drift) Aye looks like a real photo that at a first glance. Nice picture tainted by location though. If I had a few grand to commission a painting and justifiably afford it. I'd get someone good to go to Bamburgh. Go to the northern bit of the beach in relation to the castle and paint the crashing waves coming in with a grey sky and the castle on the right. One of my favourite places in the world. Any good for you? I think most of the stuff in The Baltic is garbage, but I absolutely love the building. Agreed. Remember the huge red effort they put up when they started doing the Baltic? Anish Kapoor - the scale of the thing was gobsmacking.
  15. Can ye? I just think fuck this, I need a bacon sandwich. I remember being dragged round the national gallery by me sister and nana when I was about 10, and I resented being there, all I could think about was how the toon were getting on at Watford. There's an awful lot of pretentious bullshit in art. I think it's also how things are presented. To your average 10 year old, the National Gallery will be torture. Present the art in a way that engages people and a lot more "ordinary" folk will be in to it. Art is everywhere though, The Tyne Bridge, posters, record sleeves/ Cd covers. And no, I don't sit down to piss
  16. With an impeccable taste in books I have to say! Has he bought one?
  17. Monkeys Fist


    Hat deine Mutter nehmen sie in den hinteren?
  18. Monkeys Fist


    Parky und Meenzer sind deine Männer And Isegrim is a countryman
  19. Well, I can draw. My brother got the lions share of the artistic genes in our family, he's a graphic designer. I do love art though, me and Mrs. Fist will have a stroll down Armstrong Bridge now and again, although most of the stuff there is pish. I can stand in front of an image,sculpture or building and marvel at it for ages though , if it's something that catches me.
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