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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Monkeys Fist


    I kept her awake once or twice.
  2. Monkeys Fist


    Never heard of anyone being like that about oranges before. what a shame! No chocolate orange for you then! Weird thing is, I love chocolate oranges. It's only actual oranges that have this effect on me. Anything orange-flavoured that doesn't actually contain any actual orange is fine. I once worked with a lass who was shit-scared of peas. I shit thee not.
  3. How much did you get ripped off for the Persil Kev?
  4. There's something in the air
  5. Shot putt wahey! (Wasn't getting the love, so I helped a brother out)
  6. Monkeys Fist


    Aye, clivvor buggers them Jormans, mind.
  7. This from East Sussex
  8. Hope she's not getting an Astra taxi- she'll be late
  9. Your understanding of irony is a bit suspect. Is it? Explain it to me then.
  10. Until Tiote's , mine was Carroll's against the dippers. Ironic really.
  11. I'm on loan at Hartlepool. Fucking Hartlepool.
  12. All well and good until you see the part where it says he's a lifelong sunderland fan. That means he's fatally ocmpromised, especially as a club employee he'd be summarily dismissed if he said anything negative about his employers; standard corporate contract. Incidentally, no need to swear, or to use the reprehensible term you did last night. However, as you're a mere boy, I'll give you a free pass on your intemperate language, if not on your witless naivete. Lovely stuff. You don't need a post-graduate degree to post on toontastic, but it helps. You get your £5 referral fee for this lad, Monkeys Fist. I do know "Gene", but his signing up here and bringing our unwashed members crashing back to reality were nowt to do with me I'll have your Fiver though Sammy
  13. Here's a side salad for curry night you might like. Ingredients-Cucumber, Red Onion, Natural Yoghurt, Mjnt ( fresh if you've got it). 1.chop the mint and mix it with the yoghurt, you want about 2-3 tablespoons of yoghurt. 2. Peel the cucumber and slice it into 5mm ish rounds. 3. Lay the slices out on kitchen roll and pat them dry. You want them as dry as possible. 4.slice the red onion as finely as you can. You want either quarter rings or diced. 5. Mix the onion and cucumber, add a sprinkle of salt to taste. 6. Knock back the yoghurt with water or milk to a loose coating consistency 7. Just before serving, add the yoghurt to the salad and coat well
  14. Every time Pardew talks about Ashley, I'm reminded of Sooty.
  15. Goatse curry? When you get the recipes, would you pm them to me and Trophyshy?
  16. Aye, spread the lurve CT.
  17. You need more pics of your Lass and Sis in Law. That is all
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