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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. that reminds me of Geoffrey Grainger. No official response from Paul yet. We need to have a Paul day tomorrow where we all type like him. Or everyone chooses their favourite Paul ava from his collection. Unless Tom sees his arse again of course. Winner.
  2. that reminds me of Geoffrey Grainger. No official response from Paul yet. We need to have a Paul day tomorrow where we all type like him. On jizz crusted keyboards? I'll get busy then.
  3. Just choked on my g&t You're meant to slice the lemon first ,man, woman
  4. Aye- all went a bit weird for half an hour there. If it was Paul - " Fuck you, you fat mong. End off"
  5. Sammy, I reckon he's got a very special whiff
  6. The Olivia Newton John mug Anyone make out the videos? Please tell me it's not a Friends box set.
  7. Wheres he work like ? Wyn Solicitors My money's on a chimney sweep on Teesside. He wears a tutu and uses a trampoline instead of ladders. I actually did too you Twat
  8. Wheres he work like ? I think we can rule out a gentleman's outfitters anyway. Which is where the daft gutbag would go to sew us.
  9. He wants to stitch us to our former goal machine? He's a sick man
  10. Whoever's in the passenger seat would be 6 feet in the air. His left arse cheek I'd say. *edit: won't let me post the pic for some reason, but pic 42 on his profile thing is some girth. Hells bollocks Paul, what have you done to yourself? Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Bet he changes the tides when he waddles. Edit; Paul-sized bottles of Poppers on the table. No wonder his lass is grinning.
  11. Read the comment by "Mike Chase" Clicky Racist, obese and a pervy stalker!
  12. Whoever's in the passenger seat would be 6 feet in the air. His left arse cheek I'd say.
  13. Odds on The dear departed is a cabbie. (Not a dig CT, fo' real bitch)
  14. In case anyone was still in any doubt about what was getting Dave's goat... I'll say this like, the welching thing is harsh. If it'd been him that'd suggested it then fair do's but it wasn't, so what was he sposed to do? And as he says he's not here to win a popularity contest and thats fair enough iyam. It genuinely would be boring if everyone agreed on everything. You're right there Sammy. Edit; dammit! Beaten to it by the Fish. The shame
  15. aye, but a lot of them are just one word replies Subtle Meenzer, subtle
  16. Same here, who's my fan. More to the point, the rest of you… cernts. Reckon there's common ground here, MF. Do you like Italian food? Because I know a great little place that you'll love. You know how to push an ape's buttons, you silver tongued fucker
  17. Fuck me what a big derby. He's like Harold's fatter brother. That fucking shirt and tie combo. That tie is actually 4ft long, just foreshortened by the monumental gut. *wipes Tongue of North Western poop*
  18. If he'd still been playing for us, that tap in would've finished up on Wembley Way. Well Done City Brummie twats.
  19. Same here, who's my fan. More to the point, the rest of you… cernts.
  20. Monkeys Fist


    Guessing JaMouse won't be getting this from Lovefilm.com
  21. Man up, you're 41, it's a bit of piss taking ffs. Or, try this forum- clicky
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