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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. She's called Bella Emberg Kevin matey.
  2. Qaddaffi just been on BBC news, claiming his people love him and all the bother is being stirred up by al Qaeda. Also says he can't resign, as he holds no official title - wily old bastard
  3. Just for you Kevin, nice bit of Black Flange
  4. Top fact there Dr. Ken http://www.fattorini.co.uk/FA_Cup.aspx They may aso have had a hand in these
  5. Monkeys Fist

    PWR Poll

    - massive tool, but not a spanner.
  6. How does sunny Keswick grab you? Week there with offspring in a log cabin type affair.
  7. Again, Stevie does a google search and finds some random on facebook who alleges this happened in a private message between the 2 of them, then it's gospel all of a sudden You'll want everything spick and span when you submit your paper- " Remote Diagnosis of Spackers and Retards using Domestic Wall Coverings and Internet Rape Threats as key indicators", to the Lancet ,so, it was me that did that, not Stevie. You can thank me later. On the basis of bringing up my kids on a diet of Calpol and Infacol, to the extant the little smackheads consider them to be 'dessert', and my unfailing spaz radar on public transport, I'd say I'm as well qualified as most to say whether or not Paul is a window licker. He's not, he's just a fat loser. Having cleared that one up, I'd be grateful if you'd all address me as Dr. Fist from now on, it's a matter of respect
  8. Monkeys Fist


    I call it the dead point- once you go over a certain height, any fall is going to be fatal. Therefore, you don't really worry about it. Below say, 15m, you could survive but be seriously knackered. Mind you, going over the edge on a 150m structure is still a hoop tightener
  9. that castle looks like its in Anaheim ... or Jormany................. and that stone is in W Ireland I think The sword is made by Thomas Fattorini, surprised you didn't know that rob He did, he just doesn't like to brag. Silly Monkey!
  10. I had the same when I suddenly got the unsettling feeling he might be a bit special. On balance though, I think he's probably just a bit of a twat. Nah, people need to read the signs. 42 year old man with S Club 7 Box Sets, Harry Potter posters on his wall, Lives with his Mam, can't hold down a job etc. Let's just hope he hasn't got mental health problems as some of the shite posted on here about him could lead to an unsavoury ending Yeah he was acting a dick but a 30 man lynching and some of the personal abuse getting thrown about to do with his weight, being a paedo etc. is going to far. The amount of time we all spend on here, none of us is in a position to be calling other people tbh Bollocks to be honest the whole post. The majority of us post through the day when we're working here, if you notice like Alex who you pulled up the other day, he fucks off at 5 and that's it he doesn't post again till maybe 11 before bed, and I'm the same. The only time I post all day is the odd occasion I'm fucked out of my face on a Sunday afternoon hungover and not doing anything else. So it's hardly anything that suggests we have shit social lives or anything else, like I say most days you watch, the people who have been posting through the day fuck off at 5 or 6, because work is over, and this place can liven up a boring day. Regarding 30 man lynch mob, he comes on here with all of his moral high ground bollocks and turns out to be a vile, abusive racist. Well I feel conned by his pleasant approach on here. At least be consistent like me, just be a cunt all the time rather than a part time one. Also if he had a mental health problem he'd be on spanner allowance rather than dole anyway. Everything about him screams WRONGUN, and you can look for reasons why all you like but it's like that and that's the way it is, check this out.. @Suraj182 fuck off u paki cunt u have lost about 4 hours ago via web from Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne in reply to Suraj182 Indefensible on so, so many levels. He has the thought process to try and hurt someone else by means of his so called racial supremacy, all because of a game of cricket, you should be in no doubt about what this man is capable of. Stevie man, it wasnt that long ago you were having weekly rants about Bradford, Yids and all Eastern Europeans being the most evil, backwards cunts the world has ever known. You also voted BNP if I'm not mistaken? Of course Paul was out of order with that comment, but it wasnt said on here and Im not sure you are the best qualified to take the moral high ground The Angel of the North ( well, CLS) has spoken, thread closed.
  11. that castle looks like its in Anaheim ... or Jormany................. and that stone is in W Ireland I think The sword is made by Thomas Fattorini, surprised you didn't know that rob
  12. Not bad taste, but… I fell over at the cash machine earlier, but it did say "Balance on screen"
  13. "I bet they didn't do it like this in your day" was another one. "You're bigger than my house, can I kick your back door in? .… Love"
  14. "Come here Pet, I'll put your prolapse back in for you." Fizzing
  15. I had you down as the sniffer tbh
  16. Same here, who's my fan. More to the point, the rest of you… cernts. Reckon there's common ground here, MF. Do you like Italian food? Because I know a great little place that you'll love. You know how to push an ape's buttons, you silver tongued fucker Wait til there's the prospect of meatballs on the table. You'll be putty in my hands. Brace yourself
  17. Come on Mancy, it's not really fair calling him fat. If he went swimming in Japan…… *shudders*
  18. He's got "San" on his cock. Pint sized mind
  19. Something disturbing about this one, can't work out what though; http://teamtoon.ning.com/photo/christmas-2...0878:Album:1656 I think that's taking it a bit too far now. Take that fucking picture down it has a child in it ffs and to make it worse you're accusing him of being a paedophile. Do fuck off Kevin.
  20. Something disturbing about this one, can't work out what though; http://teamtoon.ning.com/photo/christmas-2...0878:Album:1656
  21. and a weirdo what the hell am I doing here You don't belong here. Aaaaanyway,
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