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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I have a slow cooker. (sorry, should be in the bad taste thread )
  2. Scouser, he'll have been in dozens of times already.
  3. Any Californian under a tenner should do the job. Listen to the froggy snob! I mean genuinely taste like Ribena. Get some of yer actual Ribena, and hoy in a load of cooking grade vodka. It'll probably taste rancid, but after 2 you won't care.
  4. That's terrible, and coming from me, that means a lot.
  5. Zoom in on the Milburn, you can see CT necking cheeseburgers.
  6. Hat trick for Zorro Ameobi. (if he is fit/can be arsed)
  7. I've only recently acquired the taste for White, having had some good stuff at the Mother-in-law's. I've started craving cock- coincidence? It could be the cause or the effect. I'm a big fan of the 2009 Pouilly Fuissé from the Vergisson terroir, the Verget vintage has a stunning creamy vanilla oak taste. Creamy woody, dahling!
  8. So wondered what on earth a Wagamamma was, google, and guess your on about the restaurant in Eldon Square. Looking at the menu it looks quite tempting. Whats it like? Essentially tasty but very expensive fast food served in a canteen. If you are in a group the food does not come at the same time which is my biggest gripe. Probably good for you calorie wise but lethal in terms of salt. Beef teriyaki is nice. Aye, it's well dear for what it is imo. Trendy though What else matters?
  9. I've only recently acquired the taste for White, having had some good stuff at the Mother-in-law's. I've started craving cock- coincidence?
  10. Whoa, that's way complicated in comparison. I made a chilli chicken ramen yesterday for lunch. Took me about 10 minutes. 1grilled chicken breast ( I marinate it in teriyaki sauce, shop bought) 1-2 spring onions Handful of baby spinach Chicken stock Ramen noodles Dried chilli. 1.Grill the chicken breast 2.Put the noodles into a pan of boiling water, cook for 3-4 minutes. When done, drain and put them in cold water. 3.Whilst they're boiling , slice the chicken breast, slice the spring onion as finely as you can, and tear up the spinach. Slice the chilli as finely as poss. 4. Warm the stock, (I like to mix a bit of Miso paste onto mine too) 5. Put the drained noodles in a deep bowl , scatter the chicken over, pour over the stock, then how the chilli and veg ingredients in. Leave it to stand for a minute or two, then neck. All the "special" ingredients are readily available in supermarkets.
  11. So wondered what on earth a Wagamamma was, google, and guess your on about the restaurant in Eldon Square. Looking at the menu it looks quite tempting. Whats it like? Tempting It's Japanese, mainly noodles. I'll send you the recipes too. Next time you're in town, and peckish, give it a whirl. Go for the Chicken Ramen
  12. Btw, not forgotten about the wagamama recipes Gemmill. I will get em scanned, honest.
  13. If you remember it, you clearly weren't sinking enough grog.
  14. It's like when, in the supermarket, you see the tubby's trolley stacked to the brim with cake, bread and frozen lardy meals, and a little pot of low-fat spread teetering on the top.
  15. It's night time here if that makes it any easier to justify There you go Catmag, if it's Oz wine, fill your boots !
  16. So long as aren't aware of how many Weight Watchers points it is per glass, you're fine. Otherwise……
  17. Poker ass, poker front bum, poker nostril …… Nips like Wagon Wheels too!
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