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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I'll bet the wallpaper is curling at the edges in your shithouse Idioteque
  2. Tory ethos isn't it- Every man cake for themselves
  3. Glory hunters like people from the west end . Great link that though, where did West End play then? People from the East End of the toon heavily outnumber us priviledged ones like on here. I'm afraid my status as a True Blood prevents me from speaking to you, bampchops.
  4. And I've paid for years to keep you fuckers from blowing each other up you ungrateful little twat. Oooooooo! Whereas no-one can stop you blowing yourself up. :cheeseburger:
  5. Taxi business must be declining if you can't pay for Fat Camp though eh? Nom nom nom.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    My job. 40-48 hrs a week.
  7. fucking hell, Ireland's a porky little fucker isn't he? He can get Govt. help with that. It's a medical condition dontcha know
  8. Is this your stint cheffing at the Veggy place? Dare you to slip some meaty bits in!
  9. Even I baulked at posting that man!
  10. Gemmill has a way with words The Byker one is excellent btw Renton.
  11. Fixed and the bolded bit- I'd want it made compulsory that for the next 5 years, any bloater claiming that has to submit to random ,public weigh-ins. any gain of 1lb or more is a day in the stocks, re-pay the 26 week fat- fee, and a good fucking shoeing. You're fucking kidding? Weight Watchers is on the NHS? Honestly, if you didn't laugh, you'd cry. Seriously, you should all be applauding Labour initiatives like this. Much better the NHS pay out 50 or 60 squid to cheaply deal with obesity rather than doing nothing to tackle the cause and instead spending thousands on healthcare, expensive medicines and Mobility scooters (which are all still currently given out free). Same logic as free patches for smokers. (which I also used successfully four years ago, potentially saving the NHS thousands. A no brainer tbf. Maybe so, but you can afford to pay it so you should feel a bit embarassed by this imo. The money you save on your food should pay for it even. As for free patches for smokers, I never understood this policy. Patches are cheaper than cigarettes, much cheaper in fact. If you choose to continue smoking you will die young and save the NHS money in the long run any way. Do you pay for your medical treatment? If you fall off your climbing wall and break a leg will you be getting a taxi or calling an ambulance? You're calling Lardy Class medical treatment? Since when was gluttony a medical ailment? Shameless Tory strikes again
  12. I'm doing two hours a week at the moment. I'm fucking shit at it mind (most of it looks impossible) but still enjoying it. Going to try the Byker one next and then maybe some outside stuff. Which one have you been going to Renton?
  13. To transport your cakes home, you gluttonous fraudster!
  14. You do know CT has an HGV license?
  15. Like you lost sight of your feet? You realise this puts you in the same bracket as alchys and smack heads on rehab?
  16. Fixed and the bolded bit- I'd want it made compulsory that for the next 5 years, any bloater claiming that has to submit to random ,public weigh-ins. any gain of 1lb or more is a day in the stocks, re-pay the 26 week fat- fee, and a good fucking shoeing.
  17. You fucking what??? We pay for fat cunts to have a circle jerk about losing 2 grams of lard in a month?? I fucking hope you're on the wind up Gemmill. Big society Fucking Huge Society if we pay the bloaters to not exercise.
  18. You fucking what??? We pay for fat cunts to have a circle jerk about losing 2 grams of lard in a month?? I fucking hope you're on the wind up Gemmill.
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12615852 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12307698 http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world...o-1226015590602
  20. Tonights tea- Grilled Chicken and Chestnut shroom, tarragon and 'whayte wayne'Speltotto( same as risotto, but with spelt instead of rice). Bitchin'
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