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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. OK HF, some of us are adult enough to admit when we are wrong, or in this case my contact has not been correct. So far. So, what was the info , incorrect or correct(pending)? No reply? Simple question, isn't it?
  2. First week of July. Its starting in the city centre this year, 12 hours to get out to Sandhamm on the edge of the archipelago and then about 350 miles to Gotland and back again. I take it you're a sailor then? no innuendo meant
  3. You need a woman ,then. i still don't get it You're doing it wrong. Ask Kevin
  4. OK HF, some of us are adult enough to admit when we are wrong, or in this case my contact has not been correct. So far. So, what was the info , incorrect or correct(pending)?
  5. Oi! Gibbon Palms, i'm an ex-pat, not an OOT I didn't mean you , donkey bollocks. It was all part of my cunning plan to wind up Stevie. ( which has been a miserable failure )
  6. This has just presented the weather on BBC North East… Never has an occluded front been so appealing.
  7. Cooking thread- to boil an egg, 1. Remove from chicken 2. Place in boiling water 3. Remove after some time 5. Eat 6. Wait an hour, have two cheezburgahs!
  8. Bugger! There's me shot to bits. Oh well
  9. A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips , sweetie.
  10. Come on Craig, why would an OOT know that And your right- even says so in the article
  11. He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you? Its beside me on the coffee table, as it happens. You know exactly what I mean. Stomach muscles, abs, washboard etc. Have you ever had one? Aye, many many burgers ago. There's the difference between thee and me. I love a burger. Emphasis on the singular.
  12. He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you? Its beside me on the coffee table, as it happens. You know exactly what I mean. Stomach muscles, abs, washboard etc. Have you ever had one?
  13. He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. And he's getting fatty jibes from a certain little monkey that is about the same weight and shorter.......The fucking cheek Told you before Bunter, weight is irrelevant. Fitness and lifestyle is the key. The fittest I've ever been in my life, I weighed in at 16st. (5'7"). I'm currently hovering at 14st +/- a lb or two. I can see my six pack, always been able to. Can you?
  14. He's getting grief for posting about going to free weightwatchers and not having perfect discipline as though he just shat on the glass table in their living room. He'd cause death by a million shards if he did that man Chez. Heavyweight turds at hypersonic speeds into glass- :ouch:
  15. Fucks sake man, don't give him ideas.
  16. CT in aggressive combatative mood, needs some junk, suffering…… ……going bad, needs junk…… must have lard…… Here you go Bunter
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