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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. New "Thread of Outrage" on RTG, right there!
  2. CT now lying on his kitchen floor, weeping like a bitch "Why did I post it? Why?"
  3. Inspired by all the recent talk of healthy living, tonights tea in the Fisthaus is … … Bangers and Mash with Onion Gravy! Back of the net
  4. Fair enough, I only worked open offices too. Still, my point stands- get out and on your feet whenever you can. If you're knocking doors at night, I'd always knock then wait by the gate just to be on the safe side.
  5. Oil, balsamic. Couldn't really get much simpler. Oil, White wine vinegar, Dijon mustard ( or French if you fancy - the dark brown stuff). Pinch of salt and pepper. Oil , chilli, garlic, lime juice and zest. Basically, an oil, an acid, and a flavour.
  6. The company lost the supermarket contract Go to the company that has it then. Is it Dean or another local one?
  7. Actually that's a quality suggestion. It'll make you healthier and you'll provide a better service, which is always good for the self-esteem (one positive begets another) You'll be running Boldon's first rickshaw franchise before you know it. Wahey!! Seriously though, when I was on the taxis, I was out the car at every opportunity. And yes, you feel good helping old dears, even better with the Yummy Mummies, and the tips are better.
  8. No shit sherlock thats why I enquired about home made so that the recipe has been tested and warrants inclusion. The fact they're posted on a pro website promoting salad would lead me to conclude they have, in fact, been tried and tested A Lemon Entry Watson
  9. Just a thought CT- when you're grafting, get out of your car as much as possible. E.G. On supermarket jobs get out and load all the bags yourself, when you drop off, take their bags to the door. When you pull up at an address, get out and ring the bell. Just little things, but over a shift x 5 shifts a week, it all helps. Plus it'll relieve the pressure on your bum grapes.
  10. You spewed on your salad? The Magic of Google
  11. It's perfectly safe, YouTube I shit thee not. A paper saver is a bit of a misnomer really, as it always takes me 3 sheets at least before I'll believe it is , in fact, a perfect motion.
  12. I get the feeling he actually enjoys being smug about what they're eating. I have been using the Bristol Stool Chart for years btw, I'm generally a type 4 paper saver. You use this
  13. Excellent, in safe hands then? I've only done a wee bit of open sea sailing, but it was fantastic .
  14. Ah, thank God, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landover_Baptist_Church Hallelujah
  15. OK HF, some of us are adult enough to admit when we are wrong, or in this case my contact has not been correct. So far. So, what was the info , incorrect or correct(pending)? No reply? Simple question, isn't it? minge Touche I'm not trying to catch you out ,honest. If I was to guess, you were told the club was to be sold New Year just gone, would I be wide of the mark?
  16. Wouldn't be surprised in the least- Dutch stoner I reckon
  17. Its clarified butter Thanks for clarifying it's butter. Just to be clear....
  18. "We are the Egg men" Beatles Any link you reckon? ( look at the bottom ,middle panel )
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