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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. You’d think that as moral arbiters of the football world, they’d be keen to let people know that they are owned by one of the major grain traders in the world, responsible for fixing prices, hoarding grain, and generally keeping world hunger and poverty exactly where it is, as it suits them, and directly responsible for far more deaths than the entirety of Saudi Arabia since it came in to being. https://www-cdn.oxfam.org/s3fs-public/file_attachments/rr-cereal-secrets-grain-traders-agriculture-30082012-en_4.pdf
  2. Tynemouth Front St. has history. There used to be an antiques shop called “R. Strain Antiques”, which always raised a chuckle. Can’t find a photo but he’s listed here
  3. I seriously considered it when I wrapped the abseiling in- what appealed to me was that it deals in absolutes. Something is either safe or unsafe. If it hadn’t been for the monstrous opportunities that trucking offers to sate my Sutcliffe’s, I’d probably have gone for it. 1- Chance to play the cunt with management 2- No physical shite needed 3- Chance to play the cunt with management 4- Looking after your fellow workers 5- Chance to play the cunt with management.
  4. You sound like a man of similar interests- what’s your shovel-of-choice?
  5. That’s a fucking horrible shirt like. Also, has he had a facelift?
  6. It’s all kicking off in Spain Jenni Hermoso 'didn't consent' to Luis Rubiales kiss as Spain players refuse to play https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66621772
  7. I’m usually parked up in an industrial estate or in the middle of Buttfuck Nowhere, Northumberland at lunchtime tbh. Although I’m happy to share Tea and Stickies if the opportunity arises.
  8. It’s Friday night! 25th Anniversary next weekend too, what a time to be me!
  9. I’d second this idea- H&S is the bollocks if you’re looking for an easy life You can hire a Nazi uniform until you get yourself established, then go full Hitler. Seriously though, it’s well worth looking in to.
  10. You should give the sports desk at the Chronic a bell. Give the Knight a run for his money
  11. He looks over the moon about it mind.
  12. Things continue to improve chez Fist, young Miss Fist got some great results in her GCSEs yesterday and, having gone out with mates to celebrate, came back only mildly mashed having dipped out when things got messy- ( fuck knows where she got that from!). I’ve been working for an agency since leaving Sainsburys, but today I was offered a full time job at Ramages- Apparently I’ve impressed them with my kill rate, varied age range of victims, and use of multiple termination methods. It’s shite pay tbh, but guaranteed 55hrs whether you work them or not, and it’s pretty relaxed, so I’ll use it to pick up experience and then fuck off somewhere with a better pay rate asap. All in alll…
  13. What’s with the red and white shite around the pitch like? pfft.…
  14. Imagine being a player in a town as small as sunderland and not being recognised
  15. That’s pretty shitty timing mate, but at least there’s some finality and you can get in with sorting out something new in stead of having it hanging. Have you got owt lined up - same work different place, or are you after something new?
  16. Los Brazo de La Reina is a lovely little taverna on the main drag- popular with the locals which is always a good sign.
  17. Absolutely- he’s a supreme piss-taker, but drops a few very salient comments on society in amongst the laughs. I also love the way The Librarian only ever says “Ook”, but is very clearly the most sarcastic bugger in the entire series.
  18. Don’t diss the power of magick!!
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