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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Has to be more entertaining than One fish, 1 uber pretentious tea-cup!
  2. Really? Semillon is enjoyed an appreciated here but generally it's a house of red wines. And although cellaring is near impossible in our house, at the moment there is a 1999 Wolf Blass Black Label, 2005 Zema Cluny & a few other early noughties reds (cab sav and cab blends) waiting to be drunk. The lass is on holidays atm, so a brilliant Two Paddocks Picnic Pinot Noir was a fine way to wash away a shitty day of work. I was taking the piss. About the pinot grigio, not about the cellar.
  3. scanned em in as you were scurrilously posting this- same problem you had though- too large to upload to image shack. loading them to email now sent, check your email spunk chops Received, thank you very much. The Ebi Katsu sauce is the only thing i could find resembling the recipe you asked for- "Katsu Chicken Curry 2 I think it was. Enjoy
  4. scanned em in as you were scurrilously posting this- same problem you had though- too large to upload to image shack. loading them to email now sent, check your email spunk chops
  5. scanned em in as you were scurrilously posting this- same problem you had though- too large to upload to image shack. loading them to email now
  6. Cmon lads, hoy them up. CLICKY
  7. You've got some neck posting that mind
  8. This one mate. When i get some recipes scanned I'll send you some.........when
  9. Here it is CT, save you asking Madhur Jaffrey Garam Masala
  10. Hmm.... Fish buys a fold-up bed, a camera, and there's a reference to snorkelling. "2 girls 1 sea urchin" imminent
  11. I bear no malice at all to Carroll. But, I can't stand the Dippers, and seeing him in their shirt rankles. Torn tbh
  12. Just had a quick looky on Google re. homemade pizza stones. Terracotta Tiles are the thing apparently clicky. Not sure if they'd be any cheaper than a stone?
  13. Stevie posting from a phone- fingers like pig's tits
  14. Aye. "Do you want to be witness to a murder?" "Errr...no thanks" "It's on the internet!" "Oh now you're talking, what's the link?" Seriously, wtf? This , just don't click the link chaps. Even watching for "only 10 seconds" demeans you. As for octopus porn, it's for suckers.
  15. Despite all the piss taking CT gets on this matter, credit to you mate for trying. However, as has been stated numerous times, Tubby Club is not the way. Exercise combined with healthy eating is the way to become the sculpted Adonis of Boldon you yearn to be Since I'm closer in age to you than most on here, I understand how battering it on an exercise bike or whatever can do more harm than good. I also suspect that , like me, the thought of a gym brings you out in hives. How about this- you've just said that you've been for a stroll, then had a bash on the treadmill of death. How long did that take? Lets say , for arguments sake, 45 mins. I'm assuming that you weren't "power" walking round the park, so from an exercise point of view its not going to make a great impact. The treadmill has the potential to cause you damage- pulled muscle, joint impact injuries etc. Why not get your self a bike, a real one? Spend the 45 minutes cycling around the park and further afield. You can start off gently, and as your fitness improves, increase the speed/effort you put into your cycling. It is relatively gentle re. joint impact and ( if you warm up properly) pulled muscle potential. Combine it with regular trips to the local pool - cycle there. I know its not a particularly scientific approach, but I think it's more realistic than calorie counting etc. Thoughts?
  16. Goodbye Tanned Dave,back to your Aintree hovel. P
  17. Anal Invaders 2-17 are just as good as the original.
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