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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I did as you asked. This came up top: http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=878930 Mrs. Fist won't let me have Sky don't be daft man, how would she know anyway, I don't allow her a TV in the kitchen.
  2. Two references in 30+ posts is hardly constant, is it? Especially since you came steaming in on the good ship Self Righteous on post #4.
  3. Closest to us is the Alnwick one Looks tame compared to Ashbourne's
  4. yeah, I really liked it The first 3 were canny...but the final part was a total let down. Running around in fancy dress like a bunch of mentals...it was totally unbelievable. And i like an open ending....but they might has well have finished it when they were barricaded in the house...nothing whatsoever was resolved. the whole thing was unbelievable. surely no collection of lads could be that stupid. you'd just go to the rozzers straight away. i thought it was very entertaining though. best british drama series i've seen for a while. we don't do much stuff with as high production values as that. Now you're just rubbing it in, pack of bastards :D
  5. Cheers Bobster. Splitting it 50/50 was what I was going to suggest, just wanted to get an idea of what was what. *digs out deeds*
  6. Buggrit! Ne Sky pas chez Monkey.
  7. yeah, I really liked it What side was it on Gents?
  8. Good shout- spends hours sitting on toadstools in gardens. So, El Gigante dos Walker… any tips?
  9. How do you know who is responsible for a shared fence ( i.e. between 2 back gardens). Is it as simple as which side the posts are? Any legal property wizards or stroppy Titchmarches help?
  10. Projectile at both ends? Been there , last weekend. House was lifting of puke/shjte for 24 hrs. ( which, thankfully, was the duration of the bug).
  11. Liar! Bet ya cant last 40 days (and loooooooooooooong nights!) Aye, doubt I can last that long without Kraken one out
  12. How's your stool looking today? Stool free so far *Head out of toilet window, beaming away, singing at the top of his voice* "Stool free..free as the wind blows.."
  13. "This isn't just minge, this is M&S minge"
  14. BOGOF is the comeback you're looking for Fish.
  15. Gemmill and a few others signed up as characters from The Bill (you may remember the Boro song from that Uefa Cup run 'Geordies at home, watching The Bill). That kid totally lost the plot like. Has anyone got the link? I'm sure it was reposted on here sometime, as I remember reading it and pissing myself. Even some of their lot were telling the lad to calm down iirc
  16. I've seen that, or someone posted a version of it(before my time on here). Wasn't The Bill used to wind the smog up? Feckin hilarious tbh.
  17. Encona tis nice like, a substitute for me if no Dave’s sauce, but It goes through me too quickly. Fixed
  18. I think it's a boy thing. Although it's been okay when I've seen it, I wouldn't choose to sit and watch it on a Saturday night. Wor lass and I both love it. It certainly appeals to a juvenile sense of humour though, which is right up my street tbh. Are you me?
  19. Stickied? Seems an appropriate thread.
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