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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I find they stick in the throat a bit. This might more Alex's thang
  2. In a nice hot and salty cream sauce? Whyever not , man
  3. You should write for John Bishop, you little Onanist. Well, someone should, anyway. He is getting a bit long in the tooth
  4. You should write for John Bishop, you little Onanist.
  5. yeah, like id do that. Be a few bottles of blue pop, a 'maccyD' n 10 Lambaaats thrown in ? why you being nasty? Whens your sprog due? In about a months time Hope all goes well. Do you know what you're having?
  6. She's out of your league Kevinho. She's pregnant- that means she's had sex, with another person.
  7. The future of L7 ! ? Depressing innit?
  8. A junior season ticket on the U18 section will cost you £1,500 English Pounds.
  9. ring the box office was hoping some yous could save me the bother? It's less effort to ring them than it is to post a new topic and then wait for someone to come up with the goods. Like
  10. Biggest cog possible on the pedals, ditto on the back wheel. If you need an easier gear, change down on the back wheel.
  11. You dislike him because he unbuttoned his shirt? Man, you crazy!!!! More the pathetic attempt to be "normal" that it implies. I'd force the twat to wear his Bullingdon costume everyday to remind people what he is. Sure someone posted this link elsewhere. Ordinary Dave
  12. First memory of a game is from when my old man took me and my brother in 74-75 ( I'd have been 6). Old West stand, stood right at the front in the trench. We were playing either Man City or Coventry, not sure which but I remember the opposition were in Sky Blue. One of them came over for a throw in and I shouted " You Bugger" at him. He had a full set of beard and tache too.
  13. As a photographer, my favourite picture has to be the one of my wife hanging in the hall. As a professional, I just couldn't resist taking a photo before I cut her down.
  14. My close mate is Bi Polar( mental to the uninitiated), and Sheen in this interview is uncannily like he was before treatment. I'd predict a crashing low to follow, if I was in the habit of giving t'interweb diagnoses.
  15. My mate's brother had his second bout that night. Lost to a bizarre stoppage, even the oppo's camp said they couldn't understand why the ref stopped it.
  16. There few greater signs of a parent's unshakeable love than wiping up your kid's liquid shite whilst their vomit is still dripping off your nose. Little Darlings
  17. Aye, cheers Jill. The T marks is the clincher. As I said, if all are reasonable I'm happy to go 50/50 anyway. If not, the deeds are King.
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