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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. They had/have Balti pies at the moment. I think half time brothels would be a cracking idea. "Shag when you're winning"
  2. On Sky news, the footage of the blast is dire. One minute the reactor is there, then it's Cillit - Bang and it's gone.
  3. It gets worse- 40 minutes ago one of their nuclear plants blew up! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12720219 This is fucking grim. It's 150 miles from Tokyo, it's also on the right on the coast, the knock on effects to the fishing industry will be huge. Nee luck with nuclear shit like , Japan
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/programmes/schedules That's my evening sorted
  5. How many Poppies was it he burnt? Let's say 10? British Legion is £10 richer Win
  6. Nice one Gloom. Advice- ignore all advice. You're right, just make it up as you go.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12709598 The footage on the BBC is horrific. The speed and force of the wave is just mind boggling. You can see vehicles desperately trying to outrun it, absolutely horrific. Heard that the wave is higher than some Pacific Islands. They're knackered ,then.
  8. In bed, Mrs. Fist has decided she wants to watch Date Night, now … I have two options, watch it, or rape. Advice?
  9. Paul Kitson. Za za. That's the bastard! Cheers Kitman
  10. how do you think? Za za! What is zaza? Cracks me up whenever I see it, but if it's a reference to something, I don't get it. A story about an ex-player, forget who now, who was a bit of a sarcy fecker. He'd come out with something, then pause, and add "zaza" at the end. I'll see if I can find the link as it explains it much better than I can. Za za
  11. Found it! Sophie? You cernt btw Dr. Ken
  12. it cant cost that much? thought they where about 300 quid? Quite a range. I was taking the piss Kenneth For a change You & kev have been whooshed Fisty. 'Quite a range' is an old-skool toontastic in-joke from a gold thread on the old board. Well boil my bollocks! Give us a clue then? What's the thread?
  13. Aye, good work there CT. I'm just about to knock up a Pepperoni one now for Mrs. F and me. Nom nom
  14. Killer question from the Baby Faced Assassin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do4yRf71oZM...ta_player"" target="_blank">
  15. McNamee came from Celtic I think. He started at Celtic and went to Hibs where we got him from in 1966.....Ferguson was playing for St Johnstone and Dunfermline around then so he very likely did play against each other....whether either were scared of each other I think it would be difficult to say.... Alex Ferguson, in his book, says that McNamee was built like a man-mountain and after one scuffle/disagreement they had, he sneaked out of the ground because he thought McNamee was waiting for him. This is when he played for Rangers, or Dunfermline as PaddockLad says, I think McNamee was playing for Hibs at that time. Anyway, this is the book, which is very good, one of the best. he mentions him here http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle5026752.ece
  16. Honest Kevin, your talents are wasted here. Clicky
  17. it cant cost that much? thought they where about 300 quid? Quite a range. I was taking the piss Kenneth For a change
  18. My Old man delights in telling about when MacNamee swung on the crossbar after we'd scored at Roker , sending the inbreds into an indignant frenzy.
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