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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Pointless question as I know you'll ignore it, but what direct experience do you have with Muslims? Don't be daft man, Leazes has oodles of "Life Experience", he's just shyer than a virgin at an orgy when it comes to sharing it. I'd almost think that he's ex-army, only he doesn't appear to be clever enough for it. Ouch! I've suspected wor Leazes is ex-services for a while. T.A. ?
  2. Pointless question as I know you'll ignore it, but what direct experience do you have with Muslims? Don't be daft man, Leazes has oodles of "Life Experience", he's just shyer than a virgin at an orgy when it comes to sharing it.
  3. No web slinging wrist bands for me then. I'll take you up on the alibi though Fish.
  4. Did anyone really notice or care about the Muslim population of the UK until the gulf war/July the Seventh? I can only remember a few people saying things like why can't the West Indian immigrants be more like the Asians as the former were seen as more of a problem. I guess that';s now reversed which is obviously a shame but I think you let the terrorism issue cloud your opinion. You're old enough to remember how much distrust and dislike there was for the Irish in the IRA days in the 70s especially but you must realise that's pretty much gone now. Of course being anti-religion I don't like some of the pandering as you call it but feel the same way about christian pandering - in fact its now hard to see who followed who on that one as you can't really blame people for saying "well they get special treatment so why shouldn't we". The solution is to stop special treatment for everyone. I also think you're completely wrong about people being afraid to speak up - the Mail (I know, sorry) might tell you you can't say anything but the truth is it's perfectly possible to speak out. There's too many people who only say they can't because they're trying to make people think they can't when they can. its been growing for a long time before july 7th and the Gulf War !!! and still growing, faster and faster. People are afraid to speak up, and the "law" isn't helping....where is that thread on that Dutch bloke and the yank who were refused entry into the UK to voice their opinions on Islam ? I know you said you personally thought they should be allowed their freedom of speech [correct of course] but the point is the authorities denied it to them for fear of offending Islam. Doesn't that tell you something ? Tells me you're a frightened old man, peering at the world over the top of your tabloid, believing every piece of crap they throw at you. Give me one example where you've personally been affected by a real life Muslim.
  5. Evolution in action- that which is obsolete becomes extinct. Have it,Creationists
  6. Found a deli place near me that does a pastrami & dill pickle sarnie on rye bread. If that isn't the daddy of all sandwiches I don't know what is. Ah pastrami rools ok. If you're ever lucky enough to go to New York, get to Katz's Deli. Famous for their pastrami on rye sangers. The pastrami is served hot and carved off a boiled chunk of beef. Really really nice. Great experience-wise there too. Proper olkskool. Shop's been around since 1880 or so and serves traditional fayre derivative of impoverished Jewish folk. iirc n that. Slow roast pork and cauliflower cheese on its way here Oh, you jammy bastardo!
  7. Flattery will get you everywhere Fish
  8. 72 guests viewing- are we braced for another mong invasion?
  9. I usually do all my frying in a shoe tbh Superfluous comma is all I'm saying. Do you drive a silver astra btw? I saw someone who looked like you at Forest Hall shops. Devilishly handsome looking bugger? Aye, that'll be me Thought it looked like you and I know you live round there. It'll have been the sound of knickers involuntarily hitting the deck which alerted you to my presence , naturally I find you a little "rapey" at times. Can you imagine if him and Snakey went out on the pull together? He would always get the uglier of the two chicks bttt, chicken en crout, duck fat cooked chips, onion rings and garlic mushrooms - all hand made. Yum yum. Well, packet stuff really (apart from t'mushrooms) Lasses who have been brushed by the "quirky" stick are more fun anyway- nee quasimodos like, but you get my drift
  10. He wont have done much to improve his situation by doing that! What an idiot especially when he might have even got in the team due to injuries and suspensions. Does the red card mean he can't play in Premiership matches - if so thats 3 matches he will miss. Though then again he may be no loss and don't think he even made the bench against Stoke! Though the reserves lost 2-1, Michael Richardson scored, think he might be a good prospect for the future. Just out of curiosity....how many proper gingers have made it to be good or class players? I can only think of Paul Scholes. Strachan, Colin Hendry, Gordon McQueen, our very own Killa Kilcline
  11. Not if you wore them sexy wellies , you wouldn't be
  12. This board has been gayer than a manbag full of stained glass designs today
  13. Spag Bol, or Chicken Chasseur, can't decide which
  14. I usually do all my frying in a shoe tbh Superfluous comma is all I'm saying. Do you drive a silver astra btw? I saw someone who looked like you at Forest Hall shops. Devilishly handsome looking bugger? Aye, that'll be me Thought it looked like you and I know you live round there. It'll have been the sound of knickers involuntarily hitting the deck which alerted you to my presence , naturally I find you a little "rapey" at times. You'd find me a whole lot more "rapey" if you met me Love the baldies, me
  15. Guess who's just jet washed his path Calorie burner
  16. I usually do all my frying in a shoe tbh Superfluous comma is all I'm saying. Do you drive a silver astra btw? I saw someone who looked like you at Forest Hall shops. Devilishly handsome looking bugger? Aye, that'll be me Thought it looked like you and I know you live round there. It'll have been the sound of knickers involuntarily hitting the deck which alerted you to my presence , naturally
  17. I usually do all my frying in a shoe tbh Superfluous comma is all I'm saying. Do you drive a silver astra btw? I saw someone who looked like you at Forest Hall shops. Devilishly handsome looking bugger? Aye, that'll be me
  18. I usually do all my frying in a shoe tbh
  19. Q:How many Tourette's sufferers does it take to change a lightbulb? A:Fuck Off I just saw that ad, "Dont be afraid to talk about mental health" I thought to myself "Who's afraid of talking about that?" "Some people find it difficult." Ireplied. "Fucking loons" said the kettle.
  20. You missed out the words "cunt of a " between recognised and manager.
  21. Carpal tunnel syndrome? If that's the medical term for Wankers Cramp
  22. I get terrible pains in my forearms , shooting down to my wrists. Have done since I was about 12. Comes and goes.
  23. Why, just because they're men? You never know, he might actually have standards. Borderline Boilers tbh.
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