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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. You may be right Stevie, alternatively, a 15yr old charva lass might sign up and post pish because they are 15 yr old charvas. There's also the possibility I might be a 70 yr old brummie Grandma.
  2. That whole paragraph man, brilliant , but the line "offers tigers on for a fight, a genuinely dense monkey" That is comedic genius.
  3. "Herro, Clistmas Tlee, bling two burger , now!" btw, his parents want fucking slapping, just lock the wee tubster in his room for a month- he's not going to starve is he?
  4. I've been called thick by Leazes. My life is complete. Next week, I will get cooking lessons from Kevin.
  5. Oh fuck off you fuckin nob. You're a racist, deluded, staggeringly ignorant, attention-seeking cunt, all of which combine to make someone who is definitely a hopeless case. I wouldn't waste one minute trying to "clear anything up" with you, because you are fundamentally and at a base level just too thick to understand it. But there actually isn't any point to going back over this. I might get through to essentially good people like trophyshy and Renton who hold some inaccurate views, but this thread will just go the same way any thread touching on Islam does, which is to turn into a giant Leazes troll-fest. Leazes will post some nonsensical conspiracy theories with racist undertones (or overtones, tbh) about Muslims taking over/the inherent danger that Islam poses to English society/etc, NJS/HF/Fish et al. will duly pull him up on his racism, Toonpack or that dopey cunt from Leeds may back Leazes up, they'll go back and forth with people like Monkey's Fist, Parky and alex nibbling around the edges, eventually ASM will happen along and start trolling Leazes on something else entirely, and the entire point of the thread (if there was one) is lost. At least it's entertaining sometimes. Best thing to do is what a load of crap. You're looking for racism when it doesn't exist like others do. Don't you think those cunts who heckle our soldiers on the streets of Britain knowing they can't do anything back aren't racist ? Do you think those stupid cunts who complained about a teddy bear being called Mohammed aren't racist ? Do you think tosspots who wave banners pronouncing how muslim will conquer the world and death to infidels aren't racist ? Do you not think they are hypocritical cunts for doing these things in western societies that they hate ? And last of all, do you not think they are cowardly cunts for hiding behind women and children, and blowing up innocent civilians while wearing civilian clothes and not having the balls to put on a uniform and fight like men ? Do you ever see anybody, me or otherwise, talking about Jews, Chinese, South Americans, Poles etc....no. Because they get on with their lives and show respect to others and the country they live in. These are FACTS. So don't say I'm a racist for saying facts. So you're glad religion will be extinct? I've edited the post. Try making a constructive reply. I'm on topic pal. I've got nowt to say about your view of what constitutes racism here. I barely ever pull you up on it either tbh. I generally give you the benefit of the doubt and respond to your specific arguments...until they become repetitive, laboured and dismissive of facts. it wasn't meant as a slur on you, that is why I mentioned you. I would rather somebody could explain why all of the actions I've mentioned aren't racist and therefore should be accepted in western societies without reply or reaction, which is what appears to be what is advocated. Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race, ethnicity, or nationality are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that ethnic differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race Racism is not protesting a multicultural army. Racism is not worrying about the name of a teddy bear. Racism is not even bombing a group of innocent citizens...that's murder. If I need to explain to you the difference between murder and racism, then we're coming at the argument from such differing levels it's pointless to go on. You just don't get it. Why is it that only muslims do all these things, on western soil, and what exactly do you think should be done about it ? Why do other groups not behave like this ? Why are these actions exclusive to followers of Islam ? These are questions, you seem to think you have the answers ? Why exactly are you and others like you afraid to address these problems, and prefer to label those with differing views to you that think they are unacceptable ? If these cunts aren't racists, or cowards, or both, what exactly are they in your view ? This is a question I would like you to answer. You won't change my view though, because I think they are racist and we should not have to accept such behaviour, and they are most definitely scumbags and cowards for hiding behind women and kids and not having the balls to fight for what they believe out in the open. And they are also most definitely hypocrites for their belief in one sided free speech, on western soil, that they hate. None of it is exclusive to muslims Leazes...just that when muslims do it, it's on your radar a lot more... Westerners angry about teddy bears... http://www.stigmanet.net/VERMONT%20TEDDY%2...CONTROVERSY.htm Western christians disgracefully protesting with "thank god for dead soldiers" signs http://edition.cnn.com/2011/US/03/02/scotu....church/?hpt=C2 There are white terrorists http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing and last year a Westerner flew a plane into a building http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Austin_plane_crash These are all idiots and murderers dealt with by law enforcement as necessary. I don't believe we have to accept the behaviour of any of them if they're a danger. But they're all White, so it isn't rac.… …oh.
  6. Challenge- find a pic of Janis Joplin where you "would".
  7. Back on track… Susan George Diana Rigg Marianne Faithful
  8. Then fuck off to the faintly paedo , bare minge thread. Grown ups only here m'boy.
  9. Kevin, every woman in this thread will have had a minge like an unkempt privet hedge. 70s Playboy had more bush than Gardeners Weekly.
  10. Seriously? Brigitte Bardot on top Catherine Deneuve below. I've just gone weak at the thought.
  11. So, you have a Tardis, 1 night (and Rohypnol for the uglier members of the board). Who would "visit" : naughty: Pre- 1975 only. I'd have to say… Followed by…
  12. Born near Bern, Switzerland, Stevie. She spoke English, French,Italian and Swiss German. I think we should start a 50s-70s thread ( Nostalgia Minge?) out of respect for Ms. Taylor's thread. She's still warm man
  13. By a million miles Ursula Andress, I refuse to believe even Meenzer doesn't find her attractive. Just goes to show not all Italians are mingin. Andress made Monroe look like an overweight glamour model. She wasn't Italian man. Swiss Miss.
  14. I'll pay you 3 Cheeseburgers per hour, plus 3 Kronenbourg a day. Interested? Is your taxi not one of these too?
  15. Aye, stunning. RIP Amazing eyes too
  16. Take it to the Sunshine Fanny thread. That's the Bastard!! Searched for Tit Friday and thought "Fuck it, Belta Minge" I gather from your slapped arse response that there's nee tittage on display in NI today , Ewerk?
  17. Just been asked to put a proposal in to change the lightbulbs on the High Level Bridge. Sitting on the terrace at The Bridge right now, working out how to do it best I lurve my job
  18. Can I just say, I'm counting today as the first Tit Wednesday of 2011. Been in Jesmond and in Town right now; cheb-a-leb-a-ding-dong!!
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