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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. http://m.soundcloud.com/jackstanleywp/imag...on-vs-van-halen Truly bizarre - Original "Jump" vocals over original "Imagine" backing track.
  2. Cheery fucker. Back on the pies or summat? I was thinking that when I read it. Cheerful fucker eh Still on my way up me like, it's just getting steeper thats all Aye, I'm 43 in summer, while it's inevitable that there are more creaks and groans than at 20, it's just needs a tad more oil.
  3. Imagine what he'll be like when he has sex! *ie, not against his will, and with a woman*
  4. Coming soon, Greggs- The Opera.
  5. If you genuinely thought that, you're as bat shit crazy as he is.
  6. Failing that, Fosters is nice
  7. It's not as good as LA Confidential, but worth a watch.
  8. Ah well, I wouldn't bother with the tinned beans, but that's just me.
  9. Cheery fucker. Back on the pies or summat?
  10. isn't there ? I can think of a few, who have actually said they "back him"....he's in his 4th year of owning the club man, they should have him sussed by now. I think the club was on the right track. Until he sacked Hughton and sold Carroll, fucking off fans and squad in two masterstrokes. Fixed
  11. Where do you live? Worth trying Grainger Market if it's convenient. You'll get fresh broad beans and baby turnips.
  12. Stay With Me (Live)- The Faces Love it
  13. Sign of a real chef that man! *Fish mightn't agree*
  14. Gemmill's twin- Duff. Wasn't that Matty Pattinson of a Viking hue as too?
  15. I can't see why you shouldn't be able to use a regular turnip- however, even if you cut it into bite size bits, it'll still need longer cooking time than a baby one. Alternatively, substitute it with something like parsnip, or if you want to be a trendy fucker, squash. As far as cooking , it seems to be split into clear stages The blanching of the veg- the iced water is to stop them cooking further at this stage. The cooking of the lamb- pretty straightforward. Deglazing the pan, and creating the sauce. Make sure the pan is well hot before you pour on the wine.If you reduce it too much, add water to bring it back to volume. Finally, caramelising the veg. Hope it works mate.
  16. That looks really nice. Where are you thinking you'll struggle?
  17. This thread has confirmed for me that Leazes should get the same treatment as Deadman and , briefly, Paul Wynn. The crazy old bastard has clearly crossed the line from sanity to smearing himself in his own shit. Pity gents, pity. It's the hippy,lefty dooder way to treat him.
  18. Kevin fails the Gay test spectacularly!
  19. A quiet summer Sunday in Leazes' back garden........
  20. It was indeed. Some amazing footage (most of it already seen on youtube but looks better on the telly). Apparently what made the tsunami worse was entire section of the East coast actually dropped down a metre after the quake. That town that was destroyed had adequate sea defences (as historically tsunamis frequently hit there), but because the height of the wall effectively dropped relative to the sea, its defences were inadequate. Also, in some places the water level rose FIFTY feet as it was funelled through streets, which is why cars and boats were left on top of appartment blocks. The footage of the liquifaction was also terrifying. Most scary though is what will happen to Tokyo if they get a direct hit from a tsunami (apparently this is much more likely now). I wasn't aware large parts of it are only 2 metres above sea level. The carnage would be unimaginable. That was amazing- the guy,american tourist iirc, seemed remarkably calm given the fact large cracks were appearing beneath his feet. I'd have been running through the streets yelling " Head for the hills!!"
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