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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, but my weight is in all the right places , Gutbucket Wynn has fucked off to America man, he was snapped at some Lego Stained Glass Window convention, strangling children (a ledge lid Lee)
  2. Stevie would never have his photo taken with a jizz stain on the front of his top. Wynn winning
  3. Nobody got their wang chopped off Kevin. Unless you mean that Bobbitt fella. I was just about to reply to Kevin with "you do know that he didn't get his cock chopped off, don't you?" Well Kevin? There's no cock-choppage in this thread you know Kevin's dropped a bollock
  4. Singer-songwriter, music executive, actor, record producer, choreographer, dancer, composer, model, businessman, designer, philanthropist.… According to his Wiki page . Philanthropist… gtf man!
  5. And don't worry Stevie, no offence taken mate Showed this thread to Mrs. Fist, the wedding/ honeymoon album is now out Our cottage was a converted 15thC corn mill, in Boot. Our first day as Mr.&Mrs we cycled over the Hardknott Pass and round Coniston, aah, Romantic bastard, me. respect due mate, to you both. I didn't tell her how steep it was, we were nearly divorced on Day 1. (We went westeast, which isn't as bad , took a big detour south on the return to avoid going back over. )
  6. And don't worry Stevie, no offence taken mate Showed this thread to Mrs. Fist, the wedding/ honeymoon album is now out Our cottage was a converted 15thC corn mill, in Boot. Our first day as Mr.&Mrs we cycled over the Hardknott Pass and round Coniston, aah, Romantic bastard, me.
  7. They have a friend called Warisa Whay!! Whaaaayyy Hey!
  8. When Mrs. Fist and I got hitched, it started out planned as a big church/reception type affair- which filled me with Fear and Loathing. Venues were inspected, invitations and table shite looked at, she loved it and I just kept schtum and said "Whatever you want, have it". As the guest list grew, and topped 300, she started having misgivings , which grew into serious doubts after we went to a couple of friend's weddings which , though lavish, looked like utter torture for the couples being wed. We'd planned to marry in June/July of 1999, but towards mid August of 1998, when the planning was in full swing, she said to me " I don't want any of this shit, let's book the registry office and just bugger off afterwards". I knew beyond any doubt right there then that She was the One. We booked the Civic centre for a fortnight later, invited our immediate family and closest friends, and by 5 o'clock on my wedding day, I was sitting next to my new wife , by a waterfall in the Lakes. ( Our honeymoon was ,wedding night in plush country hotel, then a week in a ridiculously luxurious cottage in the Western Lakes). Cost us a couple of grand, as opposed to probably ten times that at least for the original plan. Tbh it wasn't about saving money though, more about a stress free, fun day for us.
  9. Some of my best friends are English. Zaza
  10. Mr Fist thought the same as what I did, and to be fair you've taken the piss out of atrocities in the past, and had IRA leanings. I couldn't give a fuck about the past, but this is now, and these cunts are a threat to our safety, ah but you're alright in Derry where they're fucking from. The place where all the bombs are going off? And yes you did get me wrong, i find it funny that these people claim to be all for a united ireland yet they go and claim british benefits and dole money. Ok Kevin, I'll believe you. Strange way of expressing that sentiment mind, your initial post
  11. Me too. Love your ava though. I recognise it. Who is it by? Tommy Devito's ma. One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way, and this guy's sayin', "Whadda ya want from me?" In this day and age, what the fuck is this world coming to? I can't believe this, prejudice against - a Sikh broad - prejudice against Muslims.
  12. My sources tell me it was a controlled explosion by the Bomb squad. And what's funny about bombing civilian buildings?
  13. Fear not Meenz, help is at hand Tues 8pm- bring your own pen.
  14. Me too. Love your ava though. I recognise it. Who is it by?
  15. Just chop the tiniest bit of head of. Visions of Skiddy having at his skull with a veg knife.
  16. I say it has to be Bigg Market Ballet , with our infamous lovelies as ballerinas- Nutcracker Suite?
  17. You obviously have the same problem as me then, every day he gets up 6.55, today sure enough 6.55 even after the clocks have changed I hear you both. 9 month old Sam thinks 6.00am is a great time to wake up. 6.15 if he's tired. Little Twat.
  18. Better than anything in the Metro abomination Meenz.
  19. Mono nad? Did you get a falsie put in ?
  20. I'm expecting to login to twitter tomorrow and see said greencard between those and all. Congrats jimbo! Puts a whole new meaning on "Having a yank" Nice one James
  21. Leazes is Ramses II re-incarnated. But a bit thicker.
  22. She has decreed, it will be.
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