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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Jamie hasth Just made roast pepper ,garlic and red onion pasta for the fambly. Laahvly
  2. Maccy D's do happy hours?? Yayy !!!
  3. Better than being a complete 0 Thinking on, I wouldn't actually say you did owt snidey. You said nowt you haven't said "face to face", you didn't know he couldn't see it, when you did know that, thanks to CT, you pm'd Asm the post you'd made. You've also clearly said why you posted it where you did, but that's backfired somewhat.
  4. To be fair to Ant, he didn't know if ASM could see it or not,and didn't say anything he hasn't said directly to ASM. Only one chap came out of it looking snidey.
  5. I remember watching him pull a similar stunt on a late night Channel 4 show. Lots of artsy fartsy folk sat round a setee talking shite- they invited Ollie on this one week, the crucial thing was, they had drinks cabinets on set, to "help" the conversation. Carnage. It was live, they cut to a break after letting him run riot for at least 5 minutes, when the ad break was over- no Ollie. After Dark was the name of the show, probably on YouTube.
  6. Wogan wears a wig ??????? Some balls to wear one so publicly… Then again, balls like a ram
  7. Looking at that pic again, if that's not a syrup, I don't know what is! Kevin will be devastated
  8. Ellie Fantseel? Anne Otta I really should go to bed.
  9. The possibilities there man! Mr. G. Raff Guy Riller Miss L. E. Fant. Mr.Paul Abare Mr.Don Quay Señor R. Madillo Ms.Leigh Murr That won't raise any suspicions at all, go with that one. Don't do it Idioteque, he's lion. *coat* Bet you copied that, cheetah
  10. The possibilities there man! Mr. G. Raff Guy Riller Miss L. E. Fant. Mr.Paul Abare Mr.Don Quay Señor R. Madillo Ms.Leigh Murr That won't raise any suspicions at all, go with that one. Don't do it Idioteque, he's lion. *coat*
  11. The possibilities there man! Mr. G. Raff Guy Riller Miss L. E. Fant. Mr.Paul Abare Mr.Don Quay Señor R. Madillo Ms.Leigh Murr
  12. Happy Birthday Dr. K. Dont fret ,Grey pubes are classy
  13. mmmm yes, mushroom carbonara for me please! Christ no! Chicken and bacon-happy with how it turned out. You can get sort of caught in a routine of cooking the same handful of meals. Nice to mix it up a bit with something you've not done before. Have you got the recipe for it Barney? This is pretty much how I make mine… Spaghetti Carbonara I tend to just use Parmesan, and only the egg yolks, so I'd use an extra egg or two.
  14. Aye, shirley he's had more than Torres?
  15. Welcome aboard Turnipheed, Good shout on Torres, I'd utterly forgotten about the moody spanish waster
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