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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Insidious apicide on our doorstep. See what your vote did CT?? Hello?
  2. It's not the amount that's being cut which is the killer IMO, it's where those cuts are which is affecting Joe Public the most. Eg, I must make a cut of £1 million from my council budget. I can sack 2 managers earning £500,000 each, or 55 workers on £18,000 each. For the same financial saving I can screw up 2 family's lives or 55. Since it's the £500,000 managers deciding where the cuts are made, no prizes for guessing who gets shafted. Over simplified, perhaps, but that's it in a nutshell.
  3. I fucking LOVE being bipolar, it's horrible.
  4. Get yourself a new one man. £10.99 on ey-eybay
  5. Kate's crusty pie , is it Game?
  6. This. Also think his cernt tendencies could be kept in check by Nolan, Barton et al.
  7. Schtum - keep it. You have been warned Agent W.
  8. Beans. Get em spilt ! At the beginning of Anchorman when they're all at the pool party, they introduce themselves. Brian Fantana's spiel went like this: "People call me the Bri-man. I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself, and the answer is yes, I do have a nickname for my penis. It's called the Octagon. But I also nicknamed my testes. My left one is James Westfall, and my right one is Dr Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right, you just might get to meet the whole gang." Ahh! Alles klar. Spilt beans indeed.
  9. Day after his biggest critic flounces off, Jonas nets a beauty. Love it
  10. He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though. Saw that and thought it was totally unecessary and crossed a line. Still flouncing but saw this and have to say you are both right. Craig I sincerely apologise. Like a scouse dwarf, it wasnt big and it wasnt clever. It was uncalled for and when the internets letting you get that rattled, its time for a break. Good man.
  11. He'll be binge eating like an angry fat lass " fuckin immoral cowards the lot of em … om nom nom"
  12. looks like a nice place Idioteque puzzled as Google Maps search says " your search for Eetsa found 0 results"
  13. His Del Monte moment. * wonders about the morality of this post, but The Moral Guardian has flounced- dilemma!*
  14. As a mark of respect , Eddie Stobarts coroner is cutting him up on the M6
  15. The Daily Sport has gone bust. (pun intended) Tits up
  16. Beans. Get em spilt !
  17. Bitch. Ruddy faced farmer types in Bristol- " Moi Loverrrr!"
  18. Sack the board, sack the board , saaack the booooaard
  19. Jamie hasth Just made roast pepper ,garlic and red onion pasta for the fambly. Laahvly
  20. Maccy D's do happy hours?? Yayy !!!
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