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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Pail Rider- Clint attempts to wander the West riding a bucket. Doesn't get far.
  2. Work out a method to view your own arse farting It was more sneezing than farting. I hope you weren't using a hanky ? Vicks Sinex.
  3. I had the most bizarre, and very vivid , dream last night. It started out where I was looking after several groups of holidaymakers on a coach trip abroad- all very well there… it then morphed, as dreams do , into Geordie Dawn of the Dead. The Tyne Bridge was the frontier between zombie territory, populated by extremely fast and vicious, long haire albino zombies, with the City being our safe haven. Skirmishes and full on battles ensued. Weirdest thing is how clearly I remember it- I very rarely remember my dreams.
  4. So, if he did go ( in summer) that would leave us with how many strikers? Keep the fucker.
  5. Rapey's first game 3-1 whupping of Dippers.
  6. Work out a method to view your own arse farting. Edit: without the use of cameras or video.
  7. How is it possible to fuck up Black & White stripes?
  8. "Either,or …or not quite sure. Which one are you?"
  9. Wacky? Oops. Sorry-Credit where it's due, Stevie. My old man always encouraged us, he worked at ROF Birtley, had an incredible thirst for knowledge and learning. He always told us we could do whatever we wanted, but not to end up like him stuck in a factory.
  10. Much like Wacky, Geography and History were what fascinated me as a kid, still does. If something/where grabs my interest, I'll go read up on it.… … vociferously
  11. On Newsnight? Jacob Rees-Mogg was clearly shown that was bollocks when he stated it. The top 1-2% of the top 20% is the actual stat you're referring to. As well as the entire bottom 20% suffering equally badly. *breast stroke*
  12. Can't believe Dekka & Mike haven't come up yet -so, The Toxic Twins.
  13. Ahem ahem Tuition fees were introduced by Blair and Labour and their landslide government in 1998. They then went on to increased them by over 200% Read the post, introduced following a Tory commissioned report. Blame shared.
  14. Happy Birthday young'un!
  15. It is almost impossible to choose one from Tiote, Barton, and Nolan. All have been vital in different ays. Surprised Jonas didn't make the list mind CT?
  16. Tuition fees were introduced following the Dearing Report, commissioned by John Major in May 1996. Not really a Labour idea, were they?
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