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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Ask admin to add the word "anchor" to your username?
  2. Did I ever tell you he's my…… Nah
  3. The fact he took the job under those conditions is partly why I have no respect for him.
  4. He was brought in over Hughton to to " take us to the next level" though. Has he done anything Hughton couldn't have done equally well (or better)? Out of interest, where were we in the league when Chris got the push?
  5. Following the comment by Nolan, mentioned here, regarding his preference for Hughton or Pardew, I'm curious to see what you think about Ole Rapey, now, 4 months down the line. I seem to remember a comment by him on the night of the 3-1 Dippers game , about him wanting to earn our respect- has he done that yet for anyone? Personally, I still think he's a slightly more credible JFK, I have little respect for him, and less for whatever crap he comes out with. This is a man who sat on his hands watching Carroll being sold, brought in Shefki Kuqi, yet sent Routledge out on (perma?)loan as he wasn't good enough? Thoughts?
  6. Happy 30th Barney. Have a good un.
  7. Mrs.Fist runs into useless twats like Macdonald every day in her line of work. This bloke is not unusual and far from the worst Mrs.F has experienced....... which i find depressing as feck. Sweden and others had the right idea, wrong implementation. Lop em off!
  8. Thread merge btw , think of the database http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=893667
  9. Don't be daft man Wacky. Byker Bridge is working class. Millennium Bridge , after a juice in the Pitcher and Piano.
  10. Had my first ever date with the wife at the Grotto. Charmed here with half a cider and black and Three times a lady on the jukebox.Then, when she realised my intentions, she jumped.
  11. Where can he steal one?
  12. Excess head weight. Lose the perm and tache. Better still, amputate at the neck.
  13. 20 posts in and no-one has mentioned corned beef and potato pie. Heathens.
  14. Was thinking the same, like. What you on about now DEADMAN? If we strung all of Deadman's post together, we'd have a Geordie version of Joyce's Ulysses. UselessHeed?
  15. And on that pearl of subliminal excellence, I shall bid you goodnight
  16. I'll bring the cheese and pineapple on sticks. Paaartaaaay!!!
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