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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. So do I, but Alex doesn't know i do
  2. tempered by the fact I never believe a word that falls out of the Triumvirate's mouths
  3. I'm nothing if not predictable......... Stevie knew I'd post that
  4. Mrs. Alex has finally agreed then?
  5. I once saw a man having a shit in the street in wallsend. At about 10am at the bus stop. I can only assume the bus was late. Aye, the next one didn't turn up either.
  6. A blur- I was 18 man, my head was vibrating.
  7. Same applies to Wallsend High St. Pastiefest
  8. I was at Steve Watson's wedding, Rob Lee was mortal ( he'd either just had his England debut, or 1st England goal, can't remember which), got a pic of Grandma Fist with most of the 96 squad at the wedding. My brother was an extra on Stormy Monday- confirmed Sying is a cernt, as was Sean Bean surprisingly. Mrs Fist knows Sean Bean's ex wife , played Aveline in Bread. I almost tripped over Carol Decker out of T'Pau coming out of Killington Lake service station on the M6. My personal best though is when I was 18 I worked at an outdoor centre for spazzers. Debbie Greenwood turned up to film a piece for BBC , I was interviewed then had to take her out kayaking. Me and a pal gave her a wetsuit to change into, then scuttled up into the sail loft and watched her getting into it. Saw tops but no bottoms, she kept her knickers on the mucky cow! Pervtastic!
  9. He'd been seen publicly nibbling Milka bars. "Something" had to be done, it was an embarrassment.
  10. Fucking Hell, beaten in the first post
  11. Since tonight's theme is "worlds best", check these out. You've got to be seriously unhinged to have one of these man! Private Island Beauties From the gallery; If Paully Wynn won the lottery…
  12. Tbf they are pretty cool as pool tables go.
  13. DOA with COD. Both Accy Daccy songs. Whatever happened to Accaspacca?
  14. Area 51 has Parky magnet written all over it. How close did you get you crazy bastard?
  15. Feck me! How many people on Longsands there? 10,000?
  16. SKY NEWS- Sunderland Man In Court For Triple Stabbing … …Apparently he had a knife in each hand. ©sickipedia
  17. I reckon the Gay community should start wearing Hijabs, just for shits and giggles. WWIII?
  18. Aye Fatboy. The only excess weight I'm carrying is in my keks, whereas you have clearly demonstrated in the past 24 hours you have a double chin on your brain. Button it Bunter.
  19. Sorry Chez, my twisted eyes read something else entirely. Re. The radiation levels, a test measurement showed the levels to be 1/5 less than the maximum allowed level- however that was measured before we hairy-arsed abseilers have been in kicking up radioactive dust. 1st time in we have to do level checks every 2 minutes. If it gets above a certain level, GTFO. All this whilst taped into a full body PVC suit with a re-breather mask on. Gimptastic!
  20. Moving jobs? A nurse in a euthanasia clinic? Cheeky bastard. Not changing jobs Holden, got a couple of weeks abseiling down the inside of this 100m stack to shift debris that's built up since the accident in the 50s. As it's an "active" area we have to do a bit of extra training. Only allowed to work in there for 1.5 hrs a day, so it'll take a while.
  21. Just completed a medical for Sellafield. Blood pressure and heart A1. Eyesight ok, slight weakness in left eye. Weight- 14 stone exactly ( fully clothed). Nurse was gagging for my Monkey nuts , obviously
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