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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Hole of the month competition?
  2. no, keep the balaclava I agree , it's fucking delicious.
  3. Tell your sugar daddy to take you over a railing next time Kevin. It's all about prevention.
  4. PM - fest in the offing Mr Shinton?
  5. My brother in law has a flat for rent if they want. North Shields.
  6. "Jam & Spoons" This only perpetuates the myth that Monkeys are violent masturbators , which is just wrong. Err.…
  7. Most inappropriate possible Dippers sponsor?
  8. To answer the op ( now that my hoop has been " Imbruglia'd" ), you either make every Saint's day a national holiday ( George, Andrew, David and Paddy) or you do it according to country- ie England gets a day off on George's day , Scots on Andrew's etc. The problem with both is Norn Iron. I reckon giving them Paddys day off would upset the Unionists. That's assuming NI doesn't have it's own patron saint, please put me right if you know otherwise.
  9. Took your advice since you're a Dr. ( non-ninja variety). Wish I'd filed my nails first.
  10. My rancid hoop is particularly itchy. Should I ; A) scratch it B)apply a soothing emollient cream C) suffer like a bitch.
  11. His wrongun gland will be weeping like virgin on her wedding night.
  12. Word is that Shefki is seething he missed out.
  13. Who else used to use that particular phrase?? Dr. Ken, you're not suggesting…… no, you can't mean…… Wynn!!
  14. I was about to say Nolan, then read back and saw Leazes post. Good shout , you old right-wing dobadder namby pamby
  15. When asked to comment on the award, Parker said, "Oh, it's right up there with all my football greatest moments, like being presented with that Eurotacky plaque thingy whilst at Newcastle United." *insert pic of him being presented with said tacky plaquee, where he was trying to look calm and not completely embarrassed by the crassness of it all* "Right now, I hate myself"
  16. I was thinking more that it would be fecking awkward to take a shot anywhere down that side of the table.
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