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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Just been dragged round Peter Barrets garden centre. Brightened up though by some light flirting with the Uber Milf running the fruit and veg stall at the exit.
  2. ".…anyone think I've got a case, or am I just being a bamp?" Over to you Polish Nick.
  3. He's right though. You can't get beer in UK MacDonalds, can in Japan. Globalisation my arse.
  4. And his reaction if he scores. Opinion is split over how big a part he played in instigating the move and I think a lot of people are undecided about him. If he does a Lee Clark (who scored against us a couple of times but never celebrated) then maybe people will be placated. If he kisses the badge... Hope we don't get to find out obviously. And yes, I realise he probably couldn't give a shit. I would hope he's got the sense not too.… As you say, I think the dippers would understand entirely if he took the Clarkie option , should he score. I reckon Tiote will cut him in half at some stage.
  5. I tried explaining that yoghurt and cheese comes from cows too- she was having none of it. "Don't be silly Daddy" Anyway, a day of utter gluttony awaits. Enjoy!
  6. What unadulterated pish! This guy makes CT seem like Plato.
  7. And to you too. What a beeyootiful day! Isn't it? Was talking with my 3yr old about where food comes from over breakfast. She piped up , " Daddy , milk comes from a cows milk bottom!"
  8. Aye, I'm sure someone posted an article detailing his life pre-football when we signed him. Does seem like a decent bloke.
  9. For the kit freaks Pick your most useless item. "Fruit Divider"
  10. Oh he's supassed himself this time! Read on... https://twitter.com/#!/themichaelowen/s...878135033044992 http://mobile.twitter.com/themichaelowen/s...476837448089600 He's a funny guy
  11. What do you do, Doctor? i'm a video journalist= Ben Dover's cameraman
  12. Someone's in a grump Chill Kevin, have a wank … … oh wait
  13. Mother-in-law's tomorrow for Easter. Egg hunting in the garden with kids, nieces and nephews, then double roast, beef and lamb with all trimmings, followed by her desserts; Chocolate sponge, coffee cake with butter icing, strawberry pavlova, rice pudding. All home made. Plenty of wine to help it on it's way. I am CT
  14. "What you been up to today?" "In the kitchen, baking like a gay"
  15. Everyone round to Ant's tomorrow for bait then?
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